Chapter Five

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Erik's P.O.V

"Mr.SaVahn...Mr.SaVahn.." Someone kept shaking me and I swatted their hands away from me. Opening my eyes I saw it was Marceline and sat up. When had I fell asleep. 

"What is it?" I growned as I ran a hand through my disholved hair before rubbing my eye like a child.

She tried to keep from chuckling but it didn't work. She busted out laughing as she tried contain herself.

"Alright. Alright. I know. It's funny. What's wrong?" I looked at her and she stopped laughing somewhat to hand me my cellphone. 

I put the phone to my ear and greeted the person only to have person unleash another curses at me. I put my hand on my head as I tried to reconize the familiar voice then I realized. It was Dawn.

"Dawn. I'm sorry, I'm on my way. I just dozed off." I said as I got up and walked out my office.

I waved to Marceline as I pressed the elevator button and waited impatiently. When it came up I quickly got in and pressed the lobby button. I continue to apologize to Dawn until she got annoyed with it and hung up.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I felt sleep start to toy with me, waking myself up I hadn't notice that I had got to the elevator. Stepping out I quickly made my way outside and to my car that been waiting for me. Instruction the driver to go to Dawn's I curled up towards the side of the door and drifted off again.

Dawn's P.O.V.

I had been waiting on the steps for 2 hours. 2 freaking hours. I was close to going back inside and saying to hell with all of this, instead I decided to call him. When he answer I cursed him out like there was no tomorrow.

He keep apologizing but I didn't care. I was cold and I had no jacket on as I expected him to be here a while ago. Going through my stuff would be stupid because on my winter clothes were packed towards the bottom. 

When his familiar Black SUV I got up and I crossed my arms under my chest. He stepped out the car and gave an apologetic smile which I ignored. 

I bent down to grab a box and he quickly ran over and took it out of my hands. I looked up at him.

"I don't want the mother of my child straining while she's pregnant. I got the boxes, just get in the car." He walked to the trunk and put the first box in then went back for the rest.

Shrugging I rubbed my arms as the cold air nipped my skin. I shivered and he seemed to notice. He took off his jacket and offered it to me. I looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

"Probably to fat to wear it. I'll be fine." I looked all around to avoid his eyes, but when I heard a sigh I looked at him.

He stood there for a moment before tearing his eyes away from mine. He walked over to the last box and put it in the trunk, closing it he opened the car door for me and I got in. Sliding to the other side of the car I clung to the door and looked out the window.

Erik soon slide in closed the door, he directed the driver to go to his place, well I assumed he did. 

"Where do you live at anyway?" I turned to ask him but he just grinned. 

 I waited for a moment expecting an answer and when I didn't get one I turned back to look out the window. New York City was so beautiful at night. It was truly the city that never sleep. 

I leaned my head against the cold glass of the window and closed my eyes as I began to think. The only thing that keep coming to mind was holding my baby. For some reason it made me smile more then I had ever. Yes, it was bad timing but I'd still love them no matter what. 

"We're here." Erik's driver announced and my eyes snapped open. How long had I been day dreaming?

Looking up to see what his place looked like I was surprise to see it was a big mansion. The yard was beautiful. It had a fountain in the front and around the fountain was the drive way. You could drive in from each side. 

When we pulled up to the front I looked at the stairs that seem to be made out of marble almost. I jumped out the car and walked over to the stairs, running my hand against the banister I shivered at the coldness of it before smiling.

"Do you like it? I figured you might. You seem like the one that likes the more expensive things in life." Erik said and I turned around to look at him.

"If you're implying that I got pregnant to have the "more expensive things in life"." I air quoted the last part before continuing. "Then you can just take me back. I can go with my original plan and you don't have to worry about us."

He sighed heavily and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I've just never met a girl who didn't want my money."

I snorted and turned my back to him. "How about stop giving it to them to get them out your hair. I don't want your money and I surely don't need it." I ran up the stairs and opened the door slowly.

I walked into the place and was surprised at how big it was. The first thing you saw when you came into the house was another pair of stairs that lead to the second floor. On the right was the kitchen, living room, dining room, a bathroom, and a room I'd have to explore later. On the left was an office, a computer room, a meeting room, and a bathroom.

Turning around in a circle I stopped when I notice people in front of me. I blinked before waving to them and they waved back. 

"Staff, this is Ms. Star. She'll be staying with us for a while." Erik came over and drapped his arm around my shoulder.

Some of the staff smile will others like annoyed by this but I brushed it off. I guess this should be an interesting 9 months.

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