Chapter Eight

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Dawn's P.O.V 

It had been 4 months since I had found out I was pregnant. It had been 4 months since I told Erik. It had been 4 months since I decided to lie and say I was getting an abortion.

I laid on the examination chair in the doctors office, my shirt was up and he was rubbing cold gel on my belly.

"Okay, now look at the screen." The doctor informed me and I did so. 

My eyes began to tear up as I saw my little baby that was still growing then I noticed something..

"Doctor, what is that?" I pointed to the blob next to it and the doctor laugh.

"Ms. Star, you're having twins. A boy and a girl." He said and I didn't say anything.

He looked at me and removed the scanner from my stomach, grabbing a napkin he wiped off my belly and I sat up. 

"Is there an issue Ms. Star?" He questioned and I shook my head before smiling.

I slide off the chair and smiled at him then looked down at my stomach. "I'm completely fine." I rubbed my belly.

"Well the babies are fine and so are you. If there are any issues don't hesitate to call." He handed me his card and I walked out. 

Still in a daze I hadn't realize that someone was in front of me into I ran into them. My head hit their hard rock chest and when I thought I was going to fall they caught me. When I looked up to see who it wasn't I didn't expect to see..

Erik's P.O.V

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going so when someone ran into me I was shock. I reached out to grab them and looked down to see it was...Dawn.

Dawn! What was she doing here? I came here to check on the clinic. This was one of the business that I helped fund and practically owned it.

"Dawn.." I scrunched my eyebrows together and she pulled away. 

She didn't say anything for a moment and just stood there looking at me. I snapped my fingers and she blinked a couple times.

"What are you doing here?" She asked and I slipped my hands into my pocket.

"I own this business..Well some of it. Now, what are you doing?" I asked and she looked away. She was hiding something, but what?

She shook her head and began to head to the door until a doctor came out and called for her. She turned around a little scared and looked at him.

"You forgot you prescription." She let out a breath and I was about to walk away until he said something also that caught my attention

"Would you like a picture of your sonogram? Usually Mothers like to show them around, especially when having twins."

I turned and looked at her then the doctor. She looked at me large eyes then to the doctor and nodded while asking him to send it to her address.

Standing there I was stunned. What did the doctor mean by Mothers? She had got an abortion...Right? Before I could ask her any questions she bolted out the clinic.

Dawn's P.O.V 

He found out...He knew, he knew I didn't get an abortion. What was he going to do? Would he sue me? Could he sue me? Probably not. I fumbled in my pockets for my keys and hadn't realized that I was being followed.

"Dawn!" I heard a voice and I didn't have to turn around to know who it belong to. 

I picked up the speed, but he was faster then me. He grabbed my arm and turned me around to look at him.

"Dawn. You have some explaining to do. For one, why are you still pregnant? I thought you were getting an abortion." He scrunched his eyebrows together and I sighed.

Snatching away from him I felt annoyed. Why did I have to answer him anyway? I began to walk away towards central avenue to the shops. 

He followed me and keep asking the same question over and over until I snapped.

"Because, I am not killing my babies. I understand you are the father and all, but I can take care of them by myself gladly." I balled my hands into fist and looked at him.

He growled at me. "I never said I didn't want to take the responsibility Dawn."

I rolled my eyes. "Right you didn't but it doesn't take a blind person to see that you didn't want it."

I turned back around to walk away but he grabbed me. People all around us was bumping into us or telling us to get out the way. 

"Dawn. What is your problem?" He looked confused and I started to laugh.w

"You're my problem Mr. SaVahn. You pretend that you care for me one minute and then the next minute you act like a complete ass. I'm tired of it. The only reason you care about me is because I'm carrying the heirs to your company." 

I took a breather for a moment before continuing my rant.

" Let's face the facts that you'll never like me or even love me. I'm tired of living in this fantasy world. This is Reality and the only reason you want to help is so you don't come off as a bad person to the public. But guess what? I know how you really are. And my thoughts will hardly ever change because you sir are a; womanizer, an ass-hat, a liar, schemer, and manipulator.  Now good day sir."

Turning my back towards him before he could say anything I walked to one of the near by shops as I needed to do something to clear my mind.

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