Chapter Three

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As the elevator went down I let out go of a breath I did not know I was holding. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. It was 8:30 P.M. and I knew I was going to have to wait 20 minutes before the next bus came. Good thing the bus stop was in front of the job.

When the doors to the lobby opened I went over to the sitting area and crossed my legs, I watched through the glass window as cars zoomed by. It seem like forever when I looked at my watch to see it was only 8:37 P.M.

"I can take you home." I was startled and turned around to see Erik with his hands in his pants pockets. 

I shook my head and turned back to look at my live motion picture. I put my elbow on my knee and rested my chin on my hand. After a moment I heard a sigh and turned my head to look at him.

"Don't be so stubborn, besides, it's going to rain soon and that bus isn't coming." He took the seat next to me and fixed his jacket.

"How do you know that?" I looked at him as I narrowed my eyes.

He twisted his mouth to the side and whistled innocently as he looked up first then a grin played on his face. "I may have called and asked a favor from someone." He looked back at me and smiled.

"Mr. SaVahn. How am I suppose to get home? How are all the people that take that bus suppose to get up?" I stood up and put my hands on my hips and he grinned.

"One step ahead of you beautiful. The bus is coming at 11:10 P.M." He stood up with me to stand toe to toe then realized what he said.

I smiled and sat back down. "I'll wait here until then." I laughed and he smacked his forehead. He obviously is failing.

He took off his jacket it and placed it on the chair next to him before sitting back down. "Fine, I'll stay with you then."

He was reluctant in leaving me alone and I kind of thought it was sweet, but I realized he was doing it because he felt bad for me. I didn't want his pity, nor did I need it.

I got up and grabbed my purse. "Thank you Mr. SaVahn, but I'll be fine. I think I'm going to head outside." I quickly walked out the door as he started to get up. Maybe if I hurry I can make it to the bus eightteen blocks from here. 

Sighing I looked down at my feet. This heels weren't going to agree with me, but I'd have to suffer. I began to walk and looked up at the sky as clouds threaten with rain over my head. I tried to quicken my pace as I knew the bus waited for no one. Without thinking I started to run, but I got strange looks from people who were walking down the street.

"Hey." Someone yelled from a car and I turned to see it was Erik. He was hanging out the backseat of his Black SUV with his famous grin as it drove beside me.

I rolled my eyes now irritated and stopped running as my weight was weighing me down. The car pulled over and he got out and walked over to me. I moved away from him as I breathed heavy.

"Dawn. Just let me give you a ride home. Please?" He pleaded with me and I gave up. 

"Fine." I walked to the car and slide all the way to the other side of the car. He climbed in and closed the door, then directed his driver to my address. I then realized something.

I turned to him and rolled my tongue around in my mouth. "How do you know where I live?" 

He went pale before smiling sheepishly and my eyes went wide. 

"Did you look in my personnel file? That's for background information and emergencies!" I screamed at him and he winced.

"Maybe I wanted to know about your personal life." He rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled something.

Just as I was about to say something his drive interrupted. "We are here."

I opened my door and jumped out the car before he could say anything, looking at him for a moment I slammed the door and went in front of the car to get to my building.

He opened his door and got out, running to me he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards his chest. 

"I'm sorry. It was stupid of me today that I just wanted to.." He trailed off and I pushed away from him.

"I know what you wanted. To take me out, use the things you learned about me against me to make me enjoy the date, sleep with me, then tell me I'd never be right for you because I'm fat and because we live the real world." I dug in my purse and got my keys out before looking at him.

"Let's face it. You're doing this because you feel bad about what you said." I said with a straight face before walking up the stairs.

I expected him to get in the car and leave, but he didn't. He laughed. "You're right. I guess you're a woman that don't need to be said sorry to." 

I felt a pain in my heart at him laughing and him admitting I was right. I nodded and put the key inside of the keyhole and unlocked the front door to my apartment.

"Hey." He said and I turned to look at him. "No hard feelings sweety, but I won't have feelings for you." He laughed again and this time held his stomach as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

Pursing my lips I rolled my tongue against the inside of my bottom lip before responding. "I quit." I pushed the door open and walked inside, running up the stairs I got to my apartment and unlocked it. When I was inside I closed the door and pressed my back against door before sliding down to the ground and weeping.

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