Chapter Two

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Dawn's P.O.V

It was the next morning and I wasn't planning to do anything. Well, at first I wasn't, but apparently God decided that was a lie.

My phone started to ring and I groaned as I pushed myself up from off the bed. I walked over to my purse and fished around inside before finding it and answering it.

"Hello," I said sluggishly as I held it to my ear.

"Dawn! It's Marceline. I need you to do a big favor." Her high pitched voice squeaked through the phone so much that I had to move it from my ear some.

"What is it Marceline?" I said as I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen, opening the fridge I yawned.

"I need you to work for me today." She said softly then coughed.

I looked at the phone and thought about pressing the end button, but instead I put it back to my ear.

"Fine, but you owe me." I said then hung up the phone and looked at the time. 

It was already 11 A.M. and she had to be into work at 7 A.M..That's good old Marceline for you. 

I ran a hand through my hair and put the other one on the island before closing the fridge. I went into my bedroom and went directly to the closet. I pulled out; a black silk blouse with a lace trim, black trousers, black Qupid Mady Pumps, and my brown camel coat. 

Putting my outfit on I walked over to my dresser and got my ear cuffs, diamond studs, and music note necklaces, then put them on. I then walked into my bathroom and fixed my maroon ombre hair into a high ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror and gave a half hearted smile.

I opened the right drawer and pulled out my makeup bag, grabbing my red lip gloss I applied an even amount. I threw it back into the bag and pulled out my eyeliner, applying it, I did a small wing before discarding it back into its bag. I then pulled out my foundation and applied it to my face, closing it up I put it back in the bag. Finally, I pulled out my mascara and put it on my top and bottom lash before putting it back in the bag. Closing the bag I dropped it into the drawer and closed it.

 Turning the light off I closed the door to the bathroom, then walked into my bedroom, grabbing my bag I went out into the bathroom and headed out the door. I made sure it was locked behind me and headed downstairs.

I ran out and held a cab, getting inside I gave him the address of my work place and looked out the window as we went inside of town. When we reached my work place I paid the person and got out. 

Going upstairs, I slide into Marceline's desk and turned on the computer, signing on I put my purse on the floor under the desk and looked at the stack of work in front of me. I sighed heavily and began to work on it.

"Marceline. Get your ass in here." I sighed as I knew he must have called her before I had gotten here. 

Getting up I turned the screen off and knocked on the door before entering.

"Marceline, I've been calling you. You're lucky I got busy, but now I need you. Are those papers on your desk done?" He asked without looking up.

I cleared my throat to get his attention, but he didn't look up. "Marceline wasn't feeling well, so she asked me to come in." When I spoke his eyes went directly to me and I froze.

"Dawn. Hey." His eyes seem to roam my body before returning to my face and I looked away.

"Good morning Mr.SaVahn. I'll have those papers on your desk in thirty minutes." I turned around and opened the door. 

"Wait!" He yelled and I turned around with a raised eyebrow. "About last night..." He trailed off and I laughed.

I closed the door and looked at him. "Mr. SaVahn. You made yourself perfectly clear last night. I was a one night stand. I won't let this affect our work environment. Okay?" I left his office before he could respond and returned to my desk.

For the rest of my day I avoided him as much as I could. I would go in when someone else would give him files and such. When it came quitting time I finished the last of the work and logged off the computer. I grabbed my purse and stood up, as soon as I got up Mr. SaVahn came out his office.

I grabbed my purse and put my belongs in it. I hadn't noticed that he had stopped at the desk, I was sitting until I looked up at him before responding. "Yes Mr. SaVahn ?"

He had his hands in his pockets as his green eyes cast a gaze down on me. "Cut the formality. Dawn , I know you are mad at me. We should talk this out."

"Mr. SaVahn.-" He cut me off with a glare and I rolled my eyes. "Erik. As much as you feel as if you have to right a wrong, you don't. What happened has happened." I walked from behind the desk and to the elevator. Pressing the down button multiple times I already knew he was behind me.

"You are something else. At least let me take you out to dinner. No sex this time, I promise. I just want you to know that I'm not a bad guy." He grabbed my hand to stop me from pressing the button.

I pulled my hand away and shook my head. "I'd rather keep this professional, Mr. SaVahn. But thank you." As soon as I was done, I stepped into the elevator and pressed the lobby button. He didn't get in, he just stood there watching me until the door shut.

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