Chapter Four

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Erik's P.O.V

"I quit." Dawn ran inside of her apartment building before I could respond. Who told her she had the right to quit on me. 

I got back into the car and pulled out my phone. I called her and called her but she wouldn't answer. Soon it said that the number had blocked me. I shoved my phone into my pocket and instructed my driver to go to my house.

I need to sleep this off. I had to get over what just happened. Dawn Star was the first woman in my life that ever quit on me, belittle me when I was trying to be nice, and saw right through me.

When I got home I was greeted my staff, but I told them to go home and that I wanted to go straight to bed. They knew better then to question me so the did as told. 

As I marched up the stairs I started stripping and leaving the clothes on the steps. I walked into my room and flopped into bed. I was too tired to continue to worry about her, besides, I had a deal I was closing in a few days. Before I knew it I was knocked out.

The Next Day

When I arrived at work I expected to see Dawn at her desk, but she wasn't there. Maybe she was waiting in my office to talk to me.

I greeted Marceline who nodded back and said 'Morning Mr.SaVahn' like a robot.  I wince, at least Dawn had a brightness to it. I ran a hand through my chocolate brown hair and tried to get her out my mind.

When I went into my office I half expected her to be in there, but she wasn't. I sighed and sat down at my desk. I engaged myself in work until it was her normal lunch time. I got up and went out my office to see her desk un-touched.

"Sir." I turned to Marceline who half smiled. "She isn't coming back. She is a tough cookie. When she makes up her mind she sticks with it." I sighed and nodded before walking back into my office and slamming the door.

I worked the rest of the day without really paying attention to what I was doing. I'd go back over them tomorrow to make sure I didn't do anything to harm the company.

It was around 10:00 P.M. so I decided I should go home. I made sure everything was off in my office before leaving. My driver sense I was in a bad mood so he made sure to get me home faster today. 

Arriving home to the row of staff I did the samething as yesterday then collasped on my bed and went to sleep.

For six week I looked at her desk each day when I got to work expecting her to be back but she wasn't. Soon I gave up. I didn't care. Maybe it was better that she was gone.

Immediately upon my arrive the next day Marceline pulled me to the side and told me she was in my office. I grinned and thanked her for swaggering into my office and sitting down. She was sitting in a chair in front of my desk and I pretend as if I didn't see her until she greeted me.

"Hello Mr. SaVahn." She faked a smile and I returned it with a smirk.

"Morning Ms. Star. What are you doing here? Here to beg for you job back?" I pulled out a pen and  flipped one of the folders open to read the contract I had to sign.

She sighed. "No exactly. I wanted to tell you I am moving. " She paused. "To Italy."

"And I'm supposed to care?" I didn't look up at her as I continue to half read the report.

"I just..." She stopped and got up. I looked up at her with boring eyes until I caught hers. Then I finally looked at her. She looked pale and sick, her eyes were puffy as if she been crying or her allergies were bothering her.

I leaned back in my chair now impatient. "Tell me already.. I am a busy man Ms. Star."

She closed her eyes and mumbled something.

"What?" I said as I couldn't make out her words.

"I'm pregnant." She opened her eyes and looked at me, I dropped the pen as my jaw fell open.

I closed my mouth and got up and walked to her to look at her fully . Yes, I knew she was a virgin when I sleep with her but how did I know for sure this baby was mine?

"We can get a paternity when the baby is born. I will stay in the country into then." She said and I nodded.

She put her hand on her stomach and I watched her for a moment before going to my desk. Opening the top drawer I pulled out my check book and looked at her.

"How much is it for an abortion? I'm pretty sure you'd want one." I said and she froze. I snapped my fingers and picked up the pen I had drop.

When I came up I felt a slap across my face and I rubbed my cheek. Damn that girl had a hand.

"How dare you ask me to abort my baby. I understand it may ruin your image, but I will not kill my baby. I will not harm her or him. Fine, you don't want us in your life. Then I'll leave and you don't have to worry about us."  She walked towards the door and I ran and grabbed her wrist.

She tried to jerk her hand from my wrist, but I tightened my grip and looked her dead in the eye. "I thought it might be what you wanted." She looked at me with disgust and I knew I had done it.

"I'm sorry." I let go of her wrist and she stayed there for a moment before tears rolled down her cheek.

I felt a pain in my chest. What was this? Did I actually care for her? No, I didn't. It was just pity again. Right?

I moved my hand to wipe her cheek and looked into her brown eyes that were blood shot now.

"Let me set you up in my house. So when time comes you'll have someone there for you and the baby?" She was hesitate but agreed. I told her I would pick her up after work and she said she'd be done packing her stuff by then.

She left soon as we got things straight and I went to the couch on the side of the room and flopped down into the chair. I ran a hand through my hair and thought about it. I was about to be a Father. I smiled and closed my eyes as I thought about me with a baby. Then I saw her.

I saw Dawn as my wife and I froze. Why was I imagining this? I pushed the thought out my head and got up. 

I didn't like her. She was just someone I screwed and now she was pregnant. I messed up. Keep telling yourself that. A voice in my head said and I swatted it away. It was wrong. How could I love someone who was from a different world and was...fat.

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