Chapter Seven

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Erik's P.O.V 

The things I said earlier still lingered on my mind. Why was I such an butt? I try everything in my power to be nice sometimes but other times...

I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face before picking up the phone and dialing the house phone.

"Hello," Alice picked up the phone and I sighed.

"Where is Dawn?" I asked her as I drummed my fingers against the wooden desk in my office.

There was a slight pause before she answered. "She left Sir."

Sitting up in my seat I growled into the phone. "What do you mean she left?"

"She got her stuff, called a cab, and left Sir. I was cleaning down stairs but I found the.-" I hung the phone up and got up.

I grabbed my jacket and  put it on as I rushed out my office. When I stepped out I told Marceline to cancel all my meetings and went to elevator that was already open. Getting in I pressed the lobby and leaned against the wall as the door closed.

Fishing in my pocket I pulled out my cellphone and called Dawn. After five times of her not answer I put it back inside my pocket and walked out the elevator. I walked through the lobby and outside where my driver was waiting.

"I'll drive today Chance. You take the day off." He nodded and handed me the keys. I got in and started the car and headed off to Darcy's old apartment.

Dawn's P.O.V. 

I put the last of my things in place. When I got here I told my landlord, Mrs. Anderson, what happened and she let me come back.  She was a sweet old lady that could be the same age of my grandmother. 

I plopped down on the couch and sighed heavily. My stomach growled and I rubbed it. The baby must be hungry. I got up and looked in the fridge only to find it empty. Right, I just moved back in here. 

Closing it back I grabbed my coat and slipped it on. It was getting tight which means I definetely had to buy a new one soon. I grabbed my purse and opened the door, but when I pulled it open I didn't expect Edward to be there with a mad look on his face. He had his hand up to knock but I guess I interupted that.

"Erik," I shifted my weight from each feet while clutching my purse.

"Dawn. What the hell are you and all your stuff doing back here?" He growled and came inside. He took off his jacket and threw it on the couch.

I shrugged and closed the door behind him. "I just thought it was just a better idea to stay here." 

He sat down on the couch and I came around and stood in front of him. 

"Dawn. Don't be stupid. Come back to the house." He looked up at me and I balled my hands up.

I walked closer to him and I grabbed his collar, looking into his eyes I hissed at him as I began to speak.

"I'm tired of you calling me fat. I'm tired of you belitting me like a child. I'm tired of you pointing out the fucking obvious. I know I'm fat, I have been for a while. It isn't easy to lose weight at all and especially since I'm pregnant it's going to be extra hard. So I don't need you fucking side comments. Okay?" I pushed him back against the couch as I let go of his collar 

He looked up at me for a moment and I noted he was breathing fast. He nodded then got up and walked over to me, moving a hand to my cheek I pushed it away but he brought it back up. 

I turned away so I wouldn't have to look into his eyes but when I felt a finger go under my chin I looked  into his eyes. He leaned in slowly to peck my lips and I closed my eyes ready to accept it. When his lips reached my memories came running back of that night.

Relaxing against him I kissed him back before pulling away and resting my forehead on his. I didn't open my eyes until I felt his on mine. He was smiling and for the first time I actually felt love from him but I knew it was out of pity.

I pulled away from him and turned around, wrapping my arms around my stomach it growled again. 

"If you're hungry we can go get something to eat." He said as he grabbed his jacket and I shook my head.

I turned around and smiled sheepishly. "That was nice as it lasted but I don't want your pity Erik. I think it is better if maybe...I just get an abortion."

He froze up for a moment before nodding in agreement and pulling his check book. "How much?"

I shrugged. "700 should be fine." He nodded and wrote the check, signing it he handed it over then left.

Looking down at the check I sighed and sat down on the couch. He was going to be mad when he founds out what I was going to do with this check.

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