Chapter Nine

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Erik's P.O.V

As soon as I arrived home hours later I went to my study. I was lost for words. What was I suppose to do? I sat there until there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I sat up straight in my chair and watched as the door opened.

When I saw her I was surprised. The first thing I saw was her red hair that stopped perfectly above her breasts. Then was her tan skin that seemed as natural as the moon. Then were her breasts that sat in the red low cut top and hugged her flat stomach. Next was her waist in which her black shirt hung just at the top up. My eyes went back to her face to look at her enchanting green eyes and her plush lips.

I swallowed at her and smiled. "Hi, Victoria. It's been a while."

She licked her lips slowly and it took everything in my power to stop from attacking her. She walked over to me slowly before reaching my desk and sitting down.

"Erik. It's been a while my dear." She put her small hand on my cheek and stroked my lips with her thumb.

Trying to ignore the fact that her skirt came up some when she sat down I nodded.

Dawn's P.O.V 

I stood in front of the door and knocked. I waited until one of the maids opened it and I smiled.

"Is Mr. SaVahn in?" She nodded and stepped aside to let me in. 

Walking in I looked around and then back to her, I was about to ask her where he was, but she pointed at his study and walked away.

I walked up to the study and stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath I pushed the door open and was surprised at what I saw.

A woman was siting on Erik's desk, her skirt had slightly ridden up and she was stroking her thumb against his lips.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt." Both of their heads turned to look at me and I crossed my arms.

The woman smiled and jumped down. "It's fine dear." She went behind Erik's chair and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"D-d-d..." I cut him off. "It's Dawn." He nodded and swallowed hard, making his adam's apple move. 

"Dawn. What are you doing here?" I looked at him for a moment, then up to woman.

I rolled my tongue around the inside of my cheek as I felt myself getting mad. " I was coming to straighten everything out, but nevermind." 

Turning around and heading to the door I was fuming. I had enough of him. 

Erik's P.O.V 

I tried to move Victoria's arms from around me but she held on to tight.

"Why are you chasing after her anyway? Stay with me." She purred into my ear and I ripped her arms away from.

"Stop. Just leave." I got up and walked to the front door to see it wide open and Dawn making her way down the stairs.

Running down them behind her I grabbed her arm when I caught up and turned her around to me.

"Dawn. Look, don't be like that. She's just a." She cut me off before I could finish.

"Just a what Erik? A friend? A whore mate? Someone you're..." She stopped and shook her head as tears started to form in the corners of her eyes.

Noticing them I felt something break inside of me. "Dawn. Why did you hide it from me?" I looked down at her stomach and noticed how big she was getting.

 "I don't want you worrying about me Erik. Go have the life you want, I don't want to ruin it." She slipped her arm out my hand and begin to walk to a car.

I raised an eyebrow. "Who's car is that?" She opened the door to her Dodge Charger 2015 before looking up at me.

"The guy I'm living with. He actually gave it to me, so mine." She got in and started the car and for some reason I was upset.

Who was this guy she was living with? She was pregnant with my kids and she was living with some random ass stranger? This wouldn't do. Before I could say anything she pulled out the drive way and sped away.

"Oh Eddie." Victoria's voice ranged out and I rubbed my hands with my face. She came down the steps and wrapped her arms around my bicep.

"Good, now that's she gone we can finish talking." She traced an nail down my chest. "In private."

I shrugged my arm away from her and walked up the stairs, calling for one of the maids I waited until one came.

"Call a cab for Ms. Wiiliams." They nodded and walked away. 

"Eddie." She whined out and I rubbed my temples. "Victoria, leave. Not right now."

I went up to my room and slammed the door behind me, pulling out my phone I sat on the bed as I dialed one of my guards.

"Hello," He picked up and I got straight to the point.

"Find out where Ms. Star is living now please. And who with. I want this information before 8 o'clock tonight." I hung up the phone before he could respond and fell back on the bed.

Today wasn't my day.

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