Chapter 10

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Derek's POV

I had my head next to wall connected to the Chief's office, to be honest I wanted to listen in on Chief Grey and Kerev's conversation. It's silent which confused me, then all hell broke loose.

Grey started to scream at Kerev, "How could you be so stupid? Why the hell would you think that it's ok to hit another employee much less your boss, an attending."

She cleared her throat, and more yelling came from her mouth, I had never heard her be so angry. And that is saying a lot cause she is Ellis Grey, because she has a very short temper.

Alex's POV

Derek left and she was silent for a while as if she was waiting for someone to get to hear what she was about to say.

After a few very quiet minutes, Ellis proceeds to yell at me, very loudly. She is yelling at me for hitting Derek, but to be honest he deserved it. He slept with my girlfriend, well I guess now my ex-girlfriend and I was even more afraid that he was still trying to get with her cause she is a catch.

I should have treated her with more respect because then he wouldn't have a chance. Ellis kept on yelling and making me feel like crap.

She was screaming so loud that it was starting to scare me. To be honest I thought she would really grab a piece of decor like a paper weight and throw it at my head.

Ellis's POV

I don't know what happened with Alex, he cheated on Meredith she can do whatever she wants. I knew that she slept with Derek cause it was pretty evident, but he had no right to care.

Maybe I went too hard on him, cause I wasn't just screaming at him for hitting Derek, but for also hurting Mer. I knew Shepherd was curious to know what I was going to say so I waited till he got to the on-call room that shares a wall with my office.

Once I heard his ear hit the wall, I went off on Alex, I didn't let him see the light of day. And honestly I was getting so heated that I debated grabbing my paper weight and hitting him in the face.

I didn't do that cause then he could sue and I'm also going to be the bigger person, because he obviously isn't. He was just getting on my nerves.

He got mad because his ex-girlfriend slept with someone else. Even though he was screwing someone else while they were dating and even when they were engaged.

Then proceeded to hit him, I'm not allowed to say this to Derek, but before I stopped the fight I was able to see that Derek was winning.

And that Alex wasn't even budging under Derek's hold. It made me so happy to see that this child got what he deserved.

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