Chapter 20

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Meredith's POV

So I walk out and get into Derek's car, he's dressed very nicely. I wouldn't admit it, but I am excited for tonight, I am even more excited for tonight than I'm for the procedure tomorrow.

We make it to the restaurant and we talked... a lot. It was really nice he took me to a BEAUTIFUL Italian restaurant. He even got a table next to the water overlooking the ferry boats, I don't know how the hell he pulled this off with the little amount of time.

It was getting late, the restaurant was being to become empty. Derek asked for the check and we left, we got in the car and we finally made it home. He turned to me and said "I had a really good time. Can we do this again?"

Derek's POV

She said "Yeah I would like that." Before she left I kissed her, it felt so good it was like I had never kissed another woman before. It was the perfect kiss the right kiss.

She pulled back and all I could do was smile from ear to ear. She got out of the car and went inside. It was such a good first date, I had never had one like that it was, phenomenal.

Meredith's POV

It was such a great first date and all I needed to do now was focus on my procedure and I needed to work hard for it.

I grabbed multiple journals and my laptop and went to my bed. I needed to go over every single step and make sure that every complication could be avoided.

I was working so diligently that after what felt like 30 minutes I became hungry so I went downstairs and grabbed some deli meat and bread to make a sandwich I wanted some comfort food.

When I finished making my sandwich, Dad comes into the kitchen and says "What are you doing up?" I take another bite of my sandwich and say "Couldn't sleep I needed to go over the procedure and make sure I can avoid almost everything."

He grabs my sandwich from my hand and takes a bite and says "You're just like your mother. She did the same exact thing the first time she did her procedure that won her, her first Catherine Fox Award."

His remark made me smile, I didn't want to get my hopes up, but I really did want that award. I decided I needed some sleep so I went back to bed and woke up the next morning ready to go to work and make sure we were a go for the surgery.

I already got approval from the hospital's board, the patient, I just needed to talk to the patient and tell her what to expect post op. There wasn't much to tell her because of how little I know about the results I went over all my research and got the most amount of complications I could go over in my head.

Once telling her everything, I asked her if she was ready and Megan said "Ready as I'll ever be." I left her room and told my intern to book the OR. My surgery was only a few hours away and I was beginning to feel the butterflies in my stomach.

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