Chapter 30

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Drake's POV:

My eyes flutter open as gusts of wind fly past me, sending a chill down my spine. I don't recognise this place. I'm on a hill above dark oak trees that plague the area for miles upon miles. The sky is cloudless yet, the sun is nowhere to be seen. Then it hits me. I'm back here. Turning behind me I spot a little seating area, two garden chairs either side of an unstable table with two cups on it. I wonder why he's late. Heading over I sit down in the taller chair, waiting whilst occasionally drinking from the tea that lays before me. It's not like I'm actually drinking it, anyway, tea's pretty dull.

"Ayo chap you like 'he tea with the wonderful wea'her?" A voice says from behind me in a god awful British accent.

"AHH!?" I turn around, standing behind me is a boy with messy brown hair and tattered blue clothes, ocean blue eyes look down at me in joy despite the growing threat apparent with the crack of the void spreading further, "Collin what the hell!?"

He laughs, "You like my imitation? I think it's pretty good!" he claims, wandering over to his chair.

"No, it's pretty terrible if you ask me." I claim, crossing my arms in irritation, he always scares me...

He sits down, picking up his cup and gently sipping it before promptly spitting it out, making a disgusted face as he places it down and pushes it away. Rolling my eyes I decide to get straight to the point.

"What do you want? From what I remember, our last talk was after the Library. There must be a special reason for this fruitful reunion." I say, glaring straight at him only for his jester smile to frown.

"Short answer: I'm pissed at you." his eyes glare at me, his original cheery mood is completely gone.

Raising an eyebrow I don't break eye contact, "You're angry at me? If anything I should be the one angry at how much you've hid from me."

"What happened at the Library is something for another day. Right now, I want to talk about your little trip in hell."

I look away, I don't remember any of that... "Are you sure you've got the right guy? After splitting up with Grayson everything's a blur."

I hear a slam as the table shakes, looking over Collin is furious, "You've got to be kidding me! Even here..." he yells only to take a deep sigh straight after.

Currently, I'm in a safe space. No Hero, No danger, just us two. After Armen... sacrificed himself, we talked a lot, different things and different topics. I used to remember these chats after I woke up... but since he came I've had to forget upon awakening, to keep Hero unaware of Collin's existence... but if there's something I'm forgetting then maybe he already knows. I place my hand up to my left eye, unlike in the real world there's no white glow. He can't be here...

He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Geeze, look, if I can't talk about that, then let's talk about the more pressing matter; why did you hurt Armen?"

My eyes go wide, "What?!" I yell, "What do you mean?"

"'What '  You seriously don't remember-" he points to his wrist.

"That- he said it was an accident!"

"Do you really think he'd need a 'sling' for an accident!?" his eyes are furious, "I honestly, cannot believe you. You were meant to protect him, help him, keep him safe! What do you do? You let him die, twice! You didn't help him at the Keep, you've failed to consult him about his scars, you mope about at the back whilst he's clearly needs a brother- a friend to help him!"

"What do you think I'm trying to do!? I want to help him, I want to keep him safe! He's here on the surface! He's not in hell, getting tortured!"

"No! All you've done is doomed him to a world of pain, suffering and anguish, you should've never made that stupid deal!" he bellows. 

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