Chapter 21

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Drake's POV:

~A few minutes earlier~

We've been rapidly moving along with training. I've taught Armen what I know: teleporting, aura sensing, replenishing mana, other things would require books or items. Smoke and light are what we're currently working on, although they're not dangerous it's useful for distractions and Armen will need this in the future. I'm annoyed at how he put himself in danger just to get some berries, he could've forced that purple haired guy to do it, but no! He's wanted by the empire, it's not like we're all wanted. I snap back into reality as I hear a light thud. I look down to see Armen lying on the floor, pouting.

"Hey, you'll get it at some point. Magic takes time." I reassure him.

"I know I know. This is just getting tedious..." He says, standing up with a determined smile on his face, "Either way, I'll carry one!"

"Great to hear. Now, we need to-"

"No!" I get interrupted as a noise comes from the side of us, we turn around to see what's happening. Grayson is standing there with that assassin. He fails to meet our eyes as he goes bright red and storms off, I wonder what's wrong but I ignore it, ready to continue teaching, however the boy starts to approach us, continuously glancing back and forth before stopping, he avoids eye contact with me as he goes to talk.

"Armen, Grayson's hiding something; it seems to be hurting him... I understand we're not on the best of terms but... if you could have a look - it should be in a table drawer - please consider it, it might help both of you." He quickly says, almost leaving before finishing his sentence.

It leaves both of us in confusion. I wonder what this could be about, Grayson is acting weird but I don't think it's bad, let along hurting him... I wonder... I feel a tug on my shoulder; I glance down to see Armen looking at me with hesitance.

"We shouldn't. I can tell you want to, but Grayson's pretty emotional and I don't think snooping around his stuff will make that any better." Armen rationalises, I look away as he continues, "Currently, you and I need to keep to ourselves. Grayson is trying to figure out some things and we can't help him with it. Hell, I made it worse... so, it's best if we keep away."


What if this is about you?


If it's dangerous then it could hurt you.


It could hurt Armen.

"I'm sorry but I need to know. If it's harming him then it could harm you and I never want that to happen." I say, voice wavering with uncertainty as a headache starts to form again.

"It won't hurt me, I don't-"

"How the hell would you know?! Either of us could hurt you at any moment and I- I..." I shakily take a deep breath, "I'm going to have a look. If you don't want any business in it, then don't follow me."

"What do you mean-" he cuts off as I head off, footsteps rush after me.

It's clear Armen's worried, rubbing his arm as we approach the shed. The door creaks open with the slightest push, instantly revealing the room dancing with dust in the golden light. Random materials are dotted around the room, the only place that's clean is the desk where an old rotting chair is at a slight angle to the desk. The table has six drawers, three either side of the chair, from what I remember the bottom two are locked, the key lost before I arrived. I take a look in the right two whilst Armen checks the others. The top one only has a couple of maps and notes placed within. The second drawer holds a compass along with some utilities that seem to barely get used. I glance over to Armen to see him staring at a book, eyes wide in shock, hands slightly trembling. I take a look at the cover, a sudden rush of pain hits me; I stagger back as I clutch my head.

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