Chapter 9

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Third Person POV:

The wind howls as quick droplets of rain patter down upon the floor of the soaking wet forest. Outside on the steps, Drake sits there, looking up at the sky with his two eyes, half asleep with thoughts racing on loop. The rain drips off the sheltered front, jumping onto his bare toes, keeping him awake but also dry. The smell of wet grass is unpleasant and the rain hurts, but the cold morning air is better compared to the tense air inside the house, he can't win either way. 

During the night he lied on his small bed; waiting and thinking of what to do. Once he was sure that the blonde and the ex-puppet were both asleep he'd jolted of bed and sat outside. Despite the warnings he didn't want to sleep. So, he sat there, watching the stars and the moon slowly fall into a sunrise that he couldn't see whilst murmuring the odd word to himself. Distracted and out of it, he doesn't realise someone approaching from behind. Once a loud and obvious creek is made, Drake spins around to be met by Grayson's emerald and judgemental eyes. Silence lingers through glares and gazes until the blonde changes stance.

"Get your stuff ready. We're going to leave." Grayson says, tiredness lingering in every word.

"Now?" He asks, painfully standing up, "Why?"

"This house isn't the safest place or location. If people find out Armen's alive then we'll all be in deep shit." he explains.

Taking it in, Drake agrees and heads to his room. At his door he nearly bumps into Armen who looks tired with some hidden worry.

"Oh, good morning! Are you alright?" He asks, his patient cyan eyes looking up at him.

The hybrid nods and tells him it he's fine, not convincing the boy. He lets him pass into his room to pack before joining the blonde in the main room to talk to him.

Grayson talks but Armen doesn't pay any attention. His mind is still jumbled from the previous night, so he tries to figure it out whilst looking out windows or doors. Once the second oldest stops blabbering his mind returns to the conversation.

"So, I know we're leaving but where are we going to?" Armen asks.

"I don't know if you remember it from, y'know, but we're heading to Drake's house, his current one." Grayson comments.

Waiting for an answer, the blonde looks at the smaller boy who's obviously trying to remember. Despite this, he can't remember anything.

"Anyway, how long do you think it will take us to get there?" Armen asks.

"Oh not that long. Drake can do his little magic thing and teleport us there." Grayson replies swiftly. 

"I don't think that's a good idea. He's looks tired and probably still depleted." he quietly reminds him. 

Before the blonde can respond, the hybrid comes out bag on hand. He looks at the two of them with tiredness and annoyance upon seeing their similar expressions to that of two children hiding a broken vase from an angry parent.

"Well? Let's get going." Drake mumbles.

"Sure! You just need to do that magic spell that can teleport us-" Grayson starts only to be cut off.

"Haha, you want me to teleport? Yeah. No." Drake says with cold sarcasm.

"Why not? You've done it easily in the past, so why not now?" the blonde complains.

"Two reasons. One: I don't want to. Two: I have no mana." Drake crosses his arms, glaring at Grayson.

"Geez. You could've just said so and not made a huge fuss out of it." Grayson turns around, "We'll just have to go by foot. There should be a path to the right of us which we'll follow for a while."

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