Chapter 13

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Drake's POV:

I pace around the small room where I had previously held one of the sacred diamonds. I've been trying to clear my head. I don't know how long I've been doing this but I know it's been long enough that the pain in my ankle is as numb as the senseless sea. Realising I should stop, I sigh and sit down on the edge, looking through the gaping hole in the wall... note to self; fix the hole. I relax as I look down to the water, that separates me from the village down below. To my surprise there are people and animals down there, small blobs of movement run around the battered streets and tattered houses. It's nice. I wish I was normal... I shake it off as I look off into the sky, it's the afternoon and the sun is up, apparently vibrant in the nearly neon blue sky... it looks so bland, to me at least, so saturated, deprived of it's life. It's annoying. I remember when it was all so bright and beautiful... and now this damned eye keeps blocking that from me.

Urgh! I just want all of this to be over. I just want to have a happy life with them... but no! I have to live with this stupid "condition". I've got to scare everyone away. I've got to hurt the ones I love... I won't tell him. No matter what Grayson says, I can't... I shouldn't be angry with him, he has a right to worry yet I can't accept that he's worrying about me, about Armen. I don't know why but... it doesn't seem right even though it is. Maybe it's because I left him, the only person who was nice to me I left. It confuses me as to why he bothered with me after our reunion if he felt like that towards me.

I mindlessly pick at the deteriorating floorboards, hoping for a distraction, what should I do? Probably apologise to Armen, I was too harsh on him... but taking what Grayson said into context maybe I should make myself... 'more safe' and hope the demon doesn't do anything. I quickly get up, lifting with my right leg I suddenly flump back down in pain, taking a deep breath I try again but with the other leg. Now on two legs I feel the pain once again as it rushes up and strikes my head like a bullet. Ignore it. I just need to get the materials... they should be in my room. I head though the secret tunnel, slowly working my way up the steps the headache pounds louder and louder. Before I head up the slim ladders, my forehead throbs with sudden and targeted pain..

"Are you really going to try making another flimsy charm?"

It feels like my heart stops as my body freezes up, eyes wide, shallow breathing. The low voice seems to echo in my mind. Why now? Why was he gone for so long? I try to shake it away as I climb the ladder, flimsy or not, a charm is a charm.

"It's sad, with every talk we have you get less and less scared, but apparently your ignorance and arrogance only grows."

"Shut up." I mutter, finally at the top.

Pain spurts through my leg as I step upon solid land again, ignore it, I need to find the book. Walking becomes suddenly harder as my vision fogs up more. Leaning against the walls I walk around and start searching through my draws. What did I do with it? Yes, it may be a damned book filled with forbidden magic but I need it. It's the only way to create the charm, well, an effective charm. Unable to find it I struggle towards my bed and reach over to my bag, and search through that quickly. Where is it?

"Honestly, I'd love to show you where it is and see your soul slip away, but watching you create that ineffective thing again would be boring."

"It's not ineffective. It worked." I whisper as I continue searching.

"Sure it does! It works to the same extent as those apparent miracles grass and leaches perform."

"But it did work!" I yell, suddenly lowering my voice, "After making it you didn't bother me, you left me alone... for a while. So how do you explain that?" it did falter later on, but that's to be expected.

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