Chapter 65

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Armen's POV:

Pushing past bushes I feel them scratch and tickle my skin as I follow the figure ahead. There's been no clear path for a while, it's been twists and turns through slightly painful twigs. Eventually, I stumble into an opening, the sky above is so bright I shield my eyes as the world seems to spin for a bit. Getting my footing I take a deep breath in and slowly open my flickering eyes.

The trees are so tall, guess I'm still in the forest but there's now gaps above where the trees don't touch that allows for the grass to gain light the others don't. Shit- I can't get distracted. Looking around, the figure is gone.

"God damn it." I mutter, turning around to head back.

"Leaving already?"

"Fuck-" I catch my leg and fall, my hands stop my head from crashing down with me  "What the hell do you want?" I spit.

"Now now, don't be snarky with me, you won't get off lightly like you did before." He circles me, acting like nothing is different in his new body. I squint my eyes.

I try to get up only for him to kick me down, stopping in front of me with his arms crossed, "I forgot how fun this could be."

"What? Giving people the death stare?"

He kicks me again in the shins, "Watch it. No, it's so fun knowing something others don't."

"Like you appearing in my dreams? News flash that's old news."

"News flash, that's not me. You might need to talk to a therapist about that one." He comes up and crouches down besides me, "I'll let you in on a secret, you're not going to get to the hatchery."

Of course he knows about that, "At least you're not going to get there without my help." 

"Oh fuck off!" I yell, finally getting the chance to stand up, "You're going to offer a deal, so let me stop you here, I'm not accepting ANYTHING that you'll offer."

"Boo." He rolls his eyes, "The Empire has set off to the Hatchery. However your elven friend has prepared, you'll encounter them and will face death. With my help you could avoid it."

"I'm sure we'll get by just fine." I turn away from him only to have him appear in front of me as he starts pushing me back.

"What did I say about being snarky?"

"You can't kill me." He flinches, "Don't act surprised, of course I'd remember the whole diamond deal or whatever you did to us back then." 

He doesn't say anything as he continues to glare at me "So go ahead, continue to threaten me- tell me you're going to torture me because I know you're full of shit."

I feel my heart race with rage as I'm standing up to the demon that's taken not just mine but my friend's lives away from them. I might throw up, despite what I said he's still a bloody demon. Then he smiles.

"Sure, that may be true."  he starts, clearing the way as he walks behind me, arm pointing back the way I came, "Go on, go back to your friends and make your little plans." I hesitantly look at him, he's not moving, only smiling as he waits for me to make a move, I slowly start making my way  back. I'm a couple steps away from the bushes when he makes an obnoxiously loud cough. I turn around and he looks at me.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, thanks to your snarky and arrogant attitude. You have one hour to leave that village or I will burn it and all those who live there to ash and it will all be your fault."

"See you soon."

Third Person POV:

Standing around the blacksmith, Mia tests some small weapons on a nearby target, they leave dents and scratches. Grayson watches by, zoning in and out until he hears Armen whisper yelling to them. The boy speedily walks up to the two and brings them away from the shop, in and out of rushed breaths he explains what has just happened.

"We need to go now." Armen takes a deep breath and tries to balance his breathing whilst the others take all that information in.

"Well shit." Mia starts, "Alright, Grayson you know the way to the exit, you two go there and I'll get some weapons."

With a thumbs up they head off at Grayson's top speed but as they walk past Xavier's house, Freya and Markus pop out from behind a bush, shocking them.

"You heading off already? I thought you still had a week to go." Freya asks.

"Yeah, we are." Armen doesn't reveal much as he gestures for Grayson to keep walking.

"Well wait for us then!" The two stumble out of the bushes and catches up to them, "We're coming with you."

"No." Grayson sternly snaps around.

"What? Why?" Markus speaks up, his voice partially hoarse.

"It's too dangerous."

"We can handle ourselves-"

"I said no." Grayson has to hold back a coughing fit as the near yelling has caused his throat to feel fuzzy again.

"What's all the fuss about?" Mia joins in, stashing the weapons in her bag.

"We're joining you." Freya half-demands.

"Hell no." Mia quickly responds.

"We've fought against thugs like those in the Empire before, we can-" Markus starts.

"You got shot in the side, you still look sick." Grayson response, unable to hide the worried tone.

"Hypocrite, you're barely able to walk."

"Either way, it's not the Empire that's the problem..." Grayson looks towards Armen who gives him a sigh before nodding his head, "A strong and, quite frankly, arrogant demon is going to be trying to harm us as well. You'd be worse than unsafe."

"And? I've gone up against one before." Freya boasts, but a glare from Armen makes her rethink, "Well, I saw one from the safety of a bush but I that's still an encounter."

"The moment he sees you, consider yourself dead. He thinks hurting those we love is fun and produces the best outcome for him." Armen perks up, all giving him a concerned stare.

"Besides that, the Empire's still going to be there, right?" Markus asks. They nod, "well, I'm going to go, if it's with you or not."


"I'm going to see Leon."

"He shot you-"

"He didn't want to!" Markus yells, "He only did it because Ferox said something, he was only put in that position because of me, so I need to see him, I need to talk to him."

Grayson doesn't respond, looking away Armen taps him and Mia on the shoulder and starts to whisper something in their ears.

The two kids try to listen in but are shushed away. "I bet you they'd say: 'the grown-ups are talking'" Markus mumbles.

"I'm a grown-up too." Freya pouts, only to get an eye roll from Markus.

"And you're a hundred percent sure it'll be safe?" Grayson asks.

Armen nods.

A hesitant sigh escapes his mouth as Mia and him agree with Armen's proposal, looking at the two eagerly waiting for a response, Mia waves them over.

"However, you have to follow our instructions. If we tell you to run, you run. If we tell you to hide, you hide. You're not fighting unnecessary battles." Grayson lays out the rules, getting a grumbled agreement from the younger two.

"Alright," Mia claps her hands, bringing them all back on track, "Let's get going."

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