Chapter 5

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Third Person POV:

The half demon's pale eyes flicker open. Slowly adjusting to his surroundings, he's in a long, dark corridor with a dark red that lines the walls with an odd pattern on it that keeps repeating. His body feels creaky and stiff, as if he'd been still for a long time. It takes him some time to get up but upon standing he stumbles, feeling dizzy and sore but thankfully his headache has died down, no longer a nuisance. He's not sure as to how he got there but as he wipes his eyes from discomfort he feels the dampness lingering on them, remembering what happened he gives a sigh of guilt. Clasping his hand he decides to continue on, determined to find his brother. As he walks along he notices the patterns change on the wall, lines are going up and down, sometimes they're straight and sometimes they're all over the place, he wonders if they're pointing towards something. Continuing along the corridor the lines on the walls disappear creating a bland, bloody wall, no longer showing him the way. Clasping his shoulders things start to go colder, he starts shaking but pushes through. All light it gone, allowing him to an ending to the long journey, a light. His walking turns into a quick sprint, as he end gets closer and closer he ends up a few feet in front of it. On the wall there is a circle with weird symbols dotted around it, a spiral leads to the middle where a diamond's poking out, drawing him in. Eyes plastered on the gem he reaches out his hand, letting it drift over, finger touching the cold surface. Click. He blinks a couple of times realising that he pressed down on it, a slow and painful creak echoes behind him, looking back he sees that there's no longer a corridor but now a door emitting a strange light. A shiver runs down his spine, turning back in hopes to get rid of the door shock fills his face as his reflection is shown multiple times through the cracked pieces dancing up it. Gathering up some courage, he stares at the ominous light shining through the cracks. Taking a deep breath he places his hand on the shiny silver handle and twists it. Gently, he opens the door bit by bit until his purple eye could see what's in there.

The room is dark, barely lit by the red glowing torches along the walls, there are different coloured stools at each corners of the room. A little light shines in the middle of the room, still outside he takes one look around him, hoping for a different route but knowing that this is his only option he heads in and carefully closes the door behind him, locking him in the room.
Drake, realising that there's no turning back, goes into the middle standing in the dim spotlight. Looking around he takes in the different coloured stools: cyan, pink, green and purple. Their colours stand out, contrasting with the grey background. On each stool there's a little piece of paper, deciding to check it out he heads to the cyan stool first. Picking up the paper he can see letters start to appear along it in neat curved writing, the paper reads...

'to walk like Jesus only made the fall burn brighter than before.'

He's confused about the wording. Only faintly remembering who Jesus was from the years before the current chaos. Nevertheless, he is unsure about what it's asking him to do but a chest appears in front of him only adding to the confusion. It opens up and shows the hybrid that it's empty apart from the cushioned mold that bares a rectangular shape. He looks at the note once more but there is nothing else on it so he decides to have a closer look at the chest. It has a golden rim around the top and bottom in the middle it's mainly a dark blue colour with little dots of white all along it. At the front the lock is a golden colour but not true gold, the key hole is complex and confusing. Impossible to pick lock. He looks inside the chest, surprisingly it starts glowing along with an item in Drake's pocket. He pulls out the only thing that he's got; Armen's helmet. The sides of the helmet are glistening, sparkling with a light cyan colour that overlaps the light purple tint. A similar glow is emitting from the chest... griping the helmet tightly he realises what he needs to do.

He paces around, thinking over his options, what do I do? Can I trick it? I don't want to do this. His thoughts race repeating similar questions over and over again. On one hand he doesn't want to get rid of the one thing that reminds him of Armen, but on the other hand by doing this he'll be able to carry on and maybe find Armen... What if I chose the wrong door? If I don't find Armen what... I don't want to forget him... his thoughts conflict with each other over and over and- he looks towards the other stools, maybe he'll be able to do different ones... maybe he could find a way to keep the helmet. He desperately heads towards purple one, the piece of paper is black like the first one but upon picking it up nothing changes. Flapping it around, waiting for minutes, blowing on it, nothing works and it stays blank. Worrying, he goes to the other two, attempting the same strategies with them but it's all in vain as nothing appears on the desperately blank papers. Ending up back at the cyan one, chest still open and glowing. He stares at it for a while, arms shaking and eyes repeatedly tracing over the empty gap. Closing his eyes he sighs, hesitantly gazing at the shiny helmet one last time before he slides it in, a perfect fit. Stepping back he watches at the lid slams shut, locking itself up forever.
Sadly, Drake goes over to the purple one. Picking up the paper words start to form. It reads...

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