Chapter 57

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Third Person POV:

Trudging through the ferns and shrubs the trio are all yearning for a rest. The surroundings have changed to a more recognisable layout that Mia's travelled time and time again. They get to a junction with the sun shining down through the leaves, making square patterns that decorate the trodden floor.

"Alright." Mia looks around, "I'll need to scout a head, you two can rest here."

They bring Grayson to a nearby tree and let him rest down.

"You know I could help scout." Armen mutters, "I'm not helpless."

Mia glares at Armen before sighing, "I know this place better than the two of you combined and anyway, you need to look after him, I'm surprised he's still conscious." She whispers the last part, from the time of impact Grayson has lost close to a litre of blood and the number only increases as the wound struggles to heal.

"Sure..." Armen looks at him, Grayson's breathing has increased as his paling skin amplifies the tiredness in his eyes.

She looks between the two, ideally they'd just continue as she knows the twists and turns of the magical jungle, but after being gone for so long there's always the chance of traps or mercenaries lurking around the area. Over the days when Grayson needed a rest she'd scout ahead leaving the two to let their bodies heal, they never truly talked as the tension in the air has only grown between them in ways none of them understand.

"Yell if you need me." She waves goodbye and disappears into the jungle.

Once out of sight Armen prepares for the deafening silence. He's exhausted and wants to sleep, but as soon as his eyes close for too long, something or someone wakes him. He doesn't complain, he believes it's only right for him to stay awake. Sitting down a couple metres away from Grayson he looks up at the blue sky.

He tries to keep both eyes open, but as the sun's rays gets more intense he's forced to close them. His left eye has gotten worse, with no treatment the wound will expand, rendering it blind. He takes the booklet out from his pocket and opens it, waiting to see it's recommendation, so far it's suggested ways to regain mana and possible places to harvest herbs, but he can't do anything with it whilst looking after Grayson.

He's not told them about his encounter with Amber from four days ago, he doesn't know what to say or how to explain that the right hand of the demon controling his brother is trying to help - all be it in a very passive agressive manner - that would only make them more weary of the surroundings. Armen's not concerned about Grayson noticing the booklet, he manages to keep it relatively hidden and even if he did see it, Armen doubts he'll remember it.

Looking down words appear scribbled, a mixture between English and a language Armen can speak and read without realising it. To an onlooker it's only be gibberish with the words 'Take', 'Gauge' and 'Repense' visible in English. Armen's eyes scan the page before closing it with a huff and a painful wince as his left wrist starts to ache again.

"As if I'm going to risk that..." he whispers, hand placed ontop of the gem hidden from sight.

"Do... what?"

A raspy and dry voice shocks Armen, Grayson's movements are small as he adjusts himself, looking at the boy his eyes portray tired death as his grass green eyes are on the verge of closing whilst his heart beats faster than he's ever felt before.

"Nothing, are you okay?" Armen asks, nudging over to properly hear him.

Nodding Grayson looks up at the sky, "I don't think I... I know what to say..." he pauses, looking back at Armen, "I wish sorry could make everything better, but that's not possible."

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