Chapter 17

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Third Person POV:

The sun rises on a new day, shining down upon the sleeping hybrid. He twists and turns as his eyes flicker in a panicked state. Jolting awake, Drake holds back a pained scream as his heart races whilst his laboured breathing begs for a rest. He covers his white eye, letting his hand dig into the his scalp. 

"It's just a nightmare... calm yourself..." he whispers to himself, it was the most vivid one in a long time, shaking his mind won't rid the image of fire, blood, and a manic laugh that surrounded him. He shivers as he regulates his breathing, checking his pulse until the rhythm is as slow as a small stream. Searching for water to cool the headache that's chipping away at his sanity, he finds some and calms soon after.

He pushes the pain away as he gets out of bed; determined to be a good older brother. He's been waiting for this day, the day when he helps Armen, the day when everything is calm, the day when they spend time together... like a proper family. No distractions. No drama. Just fun. Despite his hopes, the collective pain and the new trouble of his ankle would stand in his way. He had to do something about it, so he wrapped the purple stained indent with slightly used bandages in hope for it to nullify the pain. With that, he grabs what spell books he could and heads off. 

The raven haired boy lies outside the cold shack, he did sleep inside last night but it wasn't a long sleep, was he paranoid of himself? or was he cautious of Grayson? Is he cautious of everyone? Absolutely, he just doesn't remember why yet. The drum of his hear is steady as they patter in his ears. The peaceful boy watches as his older brother heads towards him, excitement clear in his eyes. It's the perfect time of day, not too dark that it's hard to see but not too bright that it blinds him with reflections of watered stone, it's also cool and has a calming atmosphere to it. Armen smiles as he gradually gets up and Drake stops in front of him and they exchange welcomes. Both surprised at the others good mood. The hybrid doesn't want to waste precious time so they head over to the remains of a goddess statue that rests upon a clean yet cracked stone.

"Alright! You ready to learn some magic?" Drake says excitedly. Armen nods, although he's not fully sure of his answer.

"Great! There's a lot of things that you need to know about performing magic... but we'll start with the basic; without them the mana won't be as easy to control." loosing control... that's the last thing Armen wants. Drake takes out a book from his bag and opens it to a page filled with annotations and words, thankfully it's in English.

"Magic is connected to your emotions and feelings, the type of magic does depend on you as a person. So, to perform magic you'll need to... allow the mana to flow through you, you can only control it once it understands you."

"Weird... this, mana, is it dangerous? Has it ever... taken hold of people?" Armen queries. 

"Mana is only dangerous when it's used by dangerous people. And no... normally it doesn't... just stay away from Dark Magic and you'll be fine." Drake says, smiling with confidence and calmness.

Armen closes his cyan eyes and attempts to stand still, the gentle wind swinging him every now and then; he paces his breathing and listens to the whistling wind. He feels a chill run through him as he slowly opens his eyes. He sighs.

"What am I meant to be feeling? What's meant to happen?" He asks.

Drake shrugs, "I'm half demon, my magic's different from normal people. I nearly set my bed alight but I think people normally see their magic in a... a smoke form." the ex-puppet didn't get the answer he wants.

Armen rubs his arm as he attempts it again... then again... then again only to flump down in defeat, frustrated at the lack of results. He looks up at Drake who reassures him, helping him back up.

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