Chapter 66

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Third Person POV:

Mud splashes up on now dirty carriage being pulled by the strongest horses you'll find. Beside, in front and behind it are empirical guards marching sloppily, taking turns with those in a more rugged carriage that's sheepishly lagging behind.

Ferox stares outside the window at the outside world he refuses to walk in, besides him lays the most precious thing in the world: the dragon egg.  It's cocooned in soft wool to protect it from the bumpy ride giving both passengers a headache.

Opposite the corrupt leader, Leon keeps his eyes on his wrist. The burn marks make an outline of a hollow emerald, it itches as the raw wound still pulsates in twitching pain. He's been grabbing the bit just under to avoid making any sound. For his rise in hierarchy, Ferox rewarded him with a purple top and overalls with a coat that he can wrap around himself.

"Hm." This is the first sound either has made since the beginning of the journey, "Enlighten me. Why do you think you're here?" Ferox's cold eyes seem to stab into Leon's mind, causing panic and fear to consume him.

"To... assist in... the mission?" His words are quiet and soft, not wanting to anger him.

A quiet chuckle escapes his lips, "No. You're here to repent for your failure." Leon looks up, confused, "Markus is still alive."

The kid makes the grand mistake of letting hope flicker in his eyes before shutting it out as a loud slam hits against the carriage wall, Ferox's fist causes an indent to linger where he made an impact, "Oh, would you look at that. You made me damage the walls."


"Just another thing for you and your Mother to pay for." Ferox casually mentions, dusting off the wooden fragments on his knuckles before giving an obviously fake cough.

"As I was saying, that ungrateful brat is still alive." He starts, bringing out a book from a compartment underneath the neighbouring seat, opening it to what Leon believes to be a blank page, Ferox drags his finger across the page before tapping on a corner near the top, "Better yet, he's with the thief's band of hooligans."

Snapping the book closed he places it down next to him, "So you've got a redemption coming up. This time, you won't miss."

A shiver runs down Leons spine, trying not to gulp. He nods his head as Ferox returns his gaze to the outside world. He wants to scream, to run away and never look back, but he can't. No matter what happens, he's trapped.

"What an inspirational threat."

The two mortals turn their gaze to the demon now stat besides the boy sarcastically clapping his hands.

"Oh don't mind me, just taking back what's mine."

Hero leans forward to take the book as Ferox's hand slams down on it, halting his action.

"We had a deal, I got them to the empire and you gave me the book. It's mine."

The possessed eyes look down at Leon, frozen in place. "Have you ever met someone as arrogant at him? No didn't think so."

Hero leans closer to the childish ruler, "If you want, I could take my book and carry on with my plan, which- keep in mind- could help you in the long run. Or, I could take you down to hell and force the blasted thing out of your cold dead hands after giving you the torture you justly deserve."

Their noses almost touch, Ferox's breathing tries to stay steady as he looks at the demon with a bland face, Ferox shoves the book into the demon's body, "I was done with it anyway."

Stuffing the urge to burn him on the spot, Hero scoffs, snatching it as he disappears in a puff of faded purple smoke. The air is still as the dictator wait to double check that the demon won't return. Once sure, he lets out an unwillingly long held breath before glaring at Leon to never speak of it, the boy barely nods as the carriage carries on.


"Damn it." Mia mumbles, unfolding the map from her pocket.

In front of the group a rock slide covers the entrance to the cave, there's small gaps near the top allowing for the possibility of sliding in.

"Is there no other entrance?" Grayson asks, looking down at the map, "Well, aside from where we want to exit."

"There must be a side entrance somewhere." Freya comments, wandering along the edge in hope that it'll just pop out to her.

"There's nothing on the map." Mia mentioned, starting to plan out a detour route, soon she cringes at the sight of a town.

"That's Hamborough." Grayson says out loud, "Last I remember they fought us... the empire off."

"Well that didn't last, a couple years ago we went for it again and found the cultists had overrun it." Markus adds nonchalant.

"Yeah, so that's a no go." Mia starts figuring out another route.

Armen watches as Freya runs her hand along the rocky wall of the mountain. Looking up is dizzying as the sun starts to set behind the peaks.

Flipping up his eyepatch he squints, "Who..."

Then it starts, a sudden rumble of rocks start cascading down the side. Giving no chance to speak, Armen grabs Freya and pulls her away from the danger as the rocks smash into the ground. Coughing through the dust, the two get back to the rest now looking worried at the commotion. 

"We can't stay near the mountains." Armen starts, looking up at a now empty peek.

"We could head west we could avoid the village." Grayson suggests.

"That's marshland, it'd take just as long to climb over the mountain." Mia claims, staring at the map before folding it up, "We'll have to go by the village."

"Not in it, right?" Markus asks, she nods.

"Hopefully, no one will spot us."

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