Chapter 22

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Markus' POV:

"Markus!? What- How- Why?!" Luke starts to blubber, panic clear in his voice.

"I didn't expect to catch you." I comment out loud. What do I do now?

He sighs, "What are you doing here? It's dangerous."

"I followed you!" I claim, a bit too excited, "I know it's dangerous, but I'm not a baby."

"You're only 11!"

"I'll be 12 soon-"

"That's besides the point, are you on your own?" he questions, now facing me.

I look to the side, I am and at the same time I'm not, "For now." I respond.

Luke grimaces and lowers my sword, debating something within that complex head, "Markus, I'd suggest you leave. I know what you're trying to do but I'd advise against it. Claim you saw no one and you'll be fine."

"I know what I'm doing!" I nearly shout, re-positioning my sword, "I can't fail this mission, and I saw people! I must investigate." 

"You can't."

"I can."

"Look! Be glad I encountered you. The other two would've killed you and... look... leave."

"I- if I leave you can come with me and explain to Leon why you went off on your own, he's worried about you!"

"I can't. I can't go back which is why you need to look after him."

"What do you mean?! You might get a bit of a scolding but it'll be fine-"

"Markus. I'm a traitor, I conversed with the thief and if I go back I'll be hanged and I don't want Leon to see that." his tone is stern with a bucket full of emotions hidden underneath. 

"He misses you." I mutter, any hope of behind threatening is now long gone. 

"And I miss him. I'm sorry I had to leave you two behind." he starts, "But you have to leave, before who ever came with you gets suspicious."

I hesitate, I could. It's an option. However... I start to rub the scar tainted on my neck, I don't want to fail again, "No."

"That wasn't a question, that was a order."

"Well then it's a good thing I don't take orders from you." I snap, "I am not leaving until that thief is with me on the way to the Keep... and you're my hostage." I aim the sword at his head, as much as my gut is telling me no, I must continue. 

"Okay." What? "Prove to me that I have to follow your instructions." he's bluffing, he's got to be, I can't hurt him! This bold statement take me by shock, so when I'm on my backside it takes me a moment to realise that he's now above me, sword in hand and a determined look on his face. 

"You've got no power, if I was heartless you'd be dead and your body would be down in the water below." his cold statement makes me shiver, "You're still a kid, and children shouldn't be cleaning up after tyrants, no matter how good they are." 

His sword remains aimed at my chest, but his eyes are aimed elsewhere. They're locked into the distance, where the others are. I try to move for my weapon but he notices it and inches his sword forward. His look is no-longer cold, but worried. He slips his sword back in his sheave and he leans forward. 

"Get up." he orders, lending his hand.

Sadly, I look away as I stand up, taking his hand, "I'll leave-"

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