Chapter 14

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Drake's POV:

"Have you heard of the travelling market?" I ask, watching Grayson ponder through his mind. 

"I feel like I have... they weren't liked by the empire, getting money without being taxed." he claims, reminding me he was in the empire at some point.

"Well, they never went near the Badlands for the two years of the time, the announcement of a thief was just announced when they arrived. I went there in hope for some rare items but... well I did find a rare item."

"The book?"

"Yeah... that book was the one thing that gave me hope, that allowed me to save Armen..."


Walking through the stalls I kept my head down, at the time I didn't want to draw attention to myself, of course, I failed and got a lot of stares and glances. Despite it's reputation, there wasn't a lot of options when it came to magic, however, there was one store which had a strong aura around it, emitting a range of positive and negative aura. Walking up to the elderly man at the store, I was greeted with a slight grimace and a false smile that couldn't hide the negative aura radiating from him. 

"Hello... hybrid, what are you looking for?" He questioned in an unwelcoming tone.

"I'm just wandering what you have." I answered, looking at the stock.

There wasn't a lot, only a couple of dolls and spherical items on tri-pods. Along the side was a couple of books ranging from magic history to healing. There was one book behind the man, underneath a bunch of boxes. He noticed my staring almost instantly.

"Oh, you're interested in that?" He questioned, his mouth lingered for a bit as he debated what to do. His anger seems to dull as pride took over his questionable aura. It felt like a completely different person. He lifted the boxes off as a suffocating feeling fills the air. I try to hold my composure seeing as no one else is reacting in the same way. The man placed the book in front of me. The cover is a mixture of brown leather and red stains, there's a silver lining that's placed around it, crossing over each other meeting in the middle with circles and stuff dotted around it. Along the top and bottom there are engraves writing in the magi language, I wasn't able to translate it at the time but I knew I had a book for it. 

The mere sight of it made my spine perk up in fear and the unknown intent in the elder's eyes made it worse

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The mere sight of it made my spine perk up in fear and the unknown intent in the elder's eyes made it worse. He stood there, smiling at me, waiting for me to say something. I diverted my eyes to the cover again, it's suspicious and it doesn't seem right. I glare at the man, he's being patient.

"What's this book about?" I asked, trying to get more information.

"It's a simple magic book. It has useful spells and enchantments. I'm selling it for free. It's a bargain. Trust me." He claims.

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