Chapter 18

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Luke's POV:

I lock my eyes on him as I position myself, hand on handle, in case he attacks.

"What the hell?! What are you doing here?" I yell, trying to get up. This was a horrible place to rest

How is he here? Why is the demon still here!? After seven damn years does it want to continue it's destruction? I need to think of the right time to escape, I'll need to make sure Grayson is okay... wait, it doesn't look like a threat, in fact, It looks uncomfortable and scared? Actually, a lot seems off. It's posture, it's stance, is it even a fighter? I stand prepared as muffled noise heads from it's left. It turns around and quickly turns his back to my only exit. 

"No no! It's fine! It was just a lizard, you were correct." He says quickly, clearly a bad liar.

I hear a mumbled reply before the boy starts to panic, "I'm not scared! I'm just... tired."


"Yeah yeah, well I'm telling you know. I'll take a break for a while- Wait- I- I would prefer to be alone..."



It's... no- he's rubbing his arm. Waiting, eyes fixed on whoever he was talking to, only to let out a sigh before turning back to me, eyes worried and contemplating.

"Sorry about that..." he's... apologising?

"What- no- you're a demon! Demon's don't apologise, actually, how the hell are you here? Where were you for the past seven years!? What have you done with Grayson?" I want to keep going, question after question but I need answers. 

"Well. That's a lot of things... I'm not a demon, I was possessed. Grayson's, well he's my friend and him and Drake rescued me..." he lost me at 'not a demon'. 

He checks behind him before sitting down. He looks vulnerable, weak, the scars down his arm seem to be a nuisance to him and with how much he's itching it, they'll open up in no time. This can't be the same person...

"Luke... I'm guessing that's your name?" he questions.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you'd forget after blackmailing me."

"I... I've only just remembered that... sorry."

"Stop apologising! Just... why did you do it?" what am I doing? I should find Grayson, not waist time... then again, I might want some intel for- no no, if I go back there now I'll die, why should I give any more of my time to that cursed empire?

"I don't know. I don't remember much from the past but I feel like it was part of a wider plan..." 

"One that you schemed?" 

He shakes his head immediately, "Never. What that false God did in my body isn't who I am."

A false God? It's hard to believe something like that was in his body but it seems reasonable... he's not tried to hurt me, he's not angry or questioned me... 

"When did you get those scars?" good job Luke, go for the personal things- I really need to stop being nosy. 

"Oh... recently..." he mutters, glancing away. Recently? Could he be...

"Are you Armen?" 

"I-" he's taken back by this, "Yes? How do you-"

"Wait- were you the one in the cave?!" I blurt out, bad choice.

His eyes go wide as he hides his arm from me, "How do you know that!? More importantly, don't tell Drake." I'm guessing that's the tall one, I think Grayson said his name before.

The Haunting: Destiny (FF)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن