Chapter 1

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When Drake, a tall hybrid with brown hair, and Grayson, an average height human with long curly blonde hair, walked through the portal to hell, it started their trip down the five layers of hell which they hoped would lead them to their raven haired friend called Armen. The first one was odd and it was slightly relaxing, however, they had lost their backpacks and weapons. They were given the task to get to the top of the tower and defeat whatever awaited them. In order to get to the top, they had to go up one floor at a time, dodging the small amount of weak demons, trying not to get hurt. When they had gotten to the top there was a giant demon that was made from stone. They had to manoeuvre around the small area until they had gotten the stone demon to the edge, then they pushed it off. As soon as they did that, they were able to go to the second layer of hell.

In the second layer, the air was boiling from the heat of the lava; the floor was dark red and other dark colours. Different types of demons were dotted around the place, none of them attacked the two wanderers, their reasons were unknown but they did look scared. They walked around, seeing if there was anything that would've helped them find Armen. After a few minutes they were attacked by a big three headed demon, it looked like it wanted to just go back to sleep. They were able to get away from it and ended up at a door with two pillars either side of it. On the left pillar there was a cabinet with Armen's helmet in it. Drake was confused as to why it was there where as Grayson was just worried about the monster catching up to them. They had taken the helmet and went through the portal to the third layer of hell...

Drake's Point Of View:

I quickly fall to the ground into a new area, as to how that door sent us into the sky is another oddity to add to the list. The impact does hurt but surprisingly, it didn't break any of my bones. I slowly get up, rubbing my head; I look around and take in my surroundings. There's nothing to really take away from it, it's just a grey and black landscape with the odd pillar in the air. To the right of me I hear a low groan from Grayson. He gets up and wobbles around a bit before looking at his surroundings.

"Well this is an odd layer." he says as he walks towards me.

I nod in agreement; I look around to see if there is anything to hint us to the next layer. Sadly, everything looks the same... well... apart from the gigantic red eye in the sky, staring down at us. It makes me feel uneasy and a bit sickly, as if it's judging our every move.

"Well... nothing's going to happen if we just stand here. So let's just head in a direction and see what happens." I suggest.

We both head off wandering around aimlessly. It's hard to tell where you're going when everything is the same. We go up hills, around holes, through small ditches. No matter where we go, there's nothing to help us.
We're walking along a flat terrain when Grayson stops and looks around only to turn back at me with an irritated face.

"Look around! Every inch of this place is the same boring grey colour, it all seems so pointless. We can't just wander around forever!" He says in an angry tone.

He continues to blabber on whilst I tune him out. There's not a lot to go on, the ground shows no signs of a path. The sky is a darker grey and that eye is still wide open, glaring at us. I look at the surrounding pillars; the majority are blank apart from the odd one with that creepy red eye. I can't believe I didn't see it earlier.
I stop Grayson's continuous ranting and point out the now obvious pillar eyes.

"Well then, we better start following it!" he says excitedly, doing a complete 180 with his mood.

He starts to walk off in the direction of the closest eye without any hesitation. I quickly jog up to him only to slow down as I start to get an odd feeling; one that sends chills down my spine. I look around only to find nothing... just the same boring monochrome landscape. I hear Grayson calling my name so I brush the feeling off and catch up with him.


We've been following these stupid eyes for some time now. It does look like we're going somewhere however, it's taking forever. Grayson looks irritated but determined. I, on the over hand, feel uneasy, as if the eyes are observing us... I shake it off as me being paranoid; I've got bigger problems to worry about.

"URGH! This is so annoying! It looks like we're going somewhere but it's taking forever." Grayson yells out in frustration.

"If it looks like we're getting somewhere, we're getting somewhere." I tell him.

He scowls, "Yeah yeah, I know, but we don't have all of eternity to do this, what if we get there and it's too late or if we never get there at all and it was just an illusion and in fact we're all-"

"Shut up, we're not dead. We'll get there in time." I interrupt. I don't want either of us to go into those types of thoughts.

He goes silent and looks at the eyes around us. I look at them as well, only to find they're smaller compared to the earlier ones. That's odd, maybe we're getting closer? I hear a quick gasp seconds before Grayson starts to bolt off into the distance. Did he find something? He's heading in the direction of what seems to be a large hole. At least it's different and hopefully important.

I call out, asking him to slow down and be wary. Reluctantly, he slow down a bit, allowing me to catch up with him at the hole. The pillars are gone and the eyes are nowhere to be seen, looking up the sky eye is closed. Despite this, a headache starts to form as a sickening feeling starts to grow.

Taking my mind off it, I realise the hole is huge, gigantic in fact; it would probably take all day just to get one tenth of the way around it. Down the sides there are ragged and sharp points that occasionally have a dark stain splodged on it where as the bottom seems to be missing. Looking down it seems to increase my headache yet I don't want to look away.

I snap out of my thoughts as I spot Grayson picking up a small rock, he throws it down the hole... everything's quiet. Neither of us hear a thing.

"So..." Grayson starts, turning towards me, "We either jump down there or we look for a way down."

I look at him in disbelief, jumping down there is like a suicide mission. If the points don't get us the fall will. On the other hand, finding a way down sounds like it'd kill us from boredom...

"Unless we know how deep it is, I don't think it's a good idea to-" before I finished my sentence, a little ping echoes up the hole.

"Was that... the pebble..." Grayson says in disbelief. We step back from the hole.

"Well. Back to what you said earlier. Jumping down there is dangerous. Maybe we could find a way down or search elsewhere for-"

He glares at me; I'll take that as a no. I do a quick search, looking around the area only to find nothing. If only I had my bad... maybe I could use my magic- no. I quietly sigh as I realise it'd be too dangerous. Either way, going down there will be dangerous even if we find a ladder. I look at Grayson who's concentrated on the hole, eyes flicking around the area. His eyes narrow as he turns to me.

"Alright Drake, I know you won't like this but, I think our only option is jump down." he says.

I glare at him, "Are you sure? Are you a hundred percent sure?"

He nods. God damn it! I don't like this, none of this feels right. There has to be another way... there has to be...

From the corner of my eye I spot Grayson walking away, "Wait- what are you doing?"

He smiles, "A run up." before I can react he's shot past me, jumping down into the hole... He's crazy! I really, really don't want to do this, but I'm not staying here alone.

I look around this place one last time as I take a couple of steps back. Three. Two. One... Here I go.

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