Chapter 7

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Grayson's POV:

I clip my sword to my side as I look through my bag to see if there's anything that could help me get into the Red Keep safely. There are different currencies and there's a range of random gems that I stuffed into my bag during my journey. Tucked in nicely at the bottom of my bag the dragon egg rests, I had to buy a special bag to hide the egg's magical qualities, mainly its aura which magic users would be able to sense. After we went our separate ways from the Magical Library I got this for around two Marques? It was pricy but worth it considering how many mages seem to be popping up. I dig around my bag looking for a disguise of some sort; I pick out some glasses that I'd kept from the underground tunnel. Placing them on, they fit perfectly! Hell, my bag and its contents looks a lot clearer than before. It's not the best disguise but if I place my cowl over my face maybe that could work? I don't know, I guess this'll work for now. 

I place a couple of coins in my pockets and sling my bag on my back before exiting the rickety house. The quickest, and possibly safest, way to the keep would be to go right and up the mountain side. I could risk it with the bridge but I don't know whether or it's still stable or about to crumble at a moments notice. Deciding against the latter, I walk along the overgrown path with berries and flowers dotted along. The tall trees tower above me with autumn coloured leaves. It shelters me from the wind along with obscuring me from the view of any bystanders that could cause me harm. I walk along the gravel path heading down to the river that runs along a steep hill leading up to the Red Keep. It's the closest place that I can go to get stuff to help Drake with his stupid fever and I need to get some extra stuff for Armen as well. However, I'll need to be careful of cult members or any one from the empire. I get down to an open area with a worn down path that leads to the river. Not wasting any time I carefully climb up, making sure not to take a wrong step on the crumbling rocks. It doesn't take me that long to reach the top, looking down I start to remember, last time I was here was with Drake when Luke tried to attack up only to be yeeted into the forest... Luke, I wonder how things would've turned out if that didn't happen... would we still be friends? Would I still be in the empire? Would Armen even be here...?

I sigh as I wipe my eyes. Don't cry, now's not the time. The past is the past. I can't change it nor can I go back to it. All I've got to do is push forward and focus on the now. I suddenly realise I'm standing next to the edge for a minute or two. Staggering away onto solid ground I breathe a sigh of relief before peeking around at the Keep. The walls are damaged with dancing ivy dotted around it. Along the base a red tint hazily wraps around, telling everyone to beware. There are two people on the wall; they're wearing armour with a mix of a black, grey and green colours. Hopefully just the Keep's guards, they're definitely not cult members and probably not from the empire. Down to the right the entrance is open and surprisingly crowded, that's probably my best option for sneaking in. Putting on my horrible disguise I head out along the rickety bridge whilst avoiding eye contact with the guards up top. I've successfully entered the Red Keep.

I head through the small area, the surrounding houses are all structurally sound and surprisingly unscathed from the attack which I thought was pretty recent... strange. As I walk I notice that there's a bunch of guards standing around and chatting with each other. At a closer look their armour starts to puzzle me. Their padding looks tough and heavy yet they're walking around like they're nothing. Their chainmail seems unusually thin, from what I can see the holes are too small to see... although I'm confuzzled by it I have to restrain myself from staring for too long as my eyes catch on an embroidered emerald on the chest plates making me realise who they are. Keeping my head down I pass them into the market place, I don't need the empire to capture me. I have to hope for the best and grab the stuff before they catch wind that I'm here. The area is stock to the brim with people; I scan around at the items on sale. They range from: carpets, books, building materials, potions, magical items, food, drinks and other odd items. I go from stall to stall getting as much as I can, whilst picking out some healing potions I hear a conversation going on behind me. 

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