Chapter 3

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Drake's POV:

Those two words echo around the jet black room, setting in the realisation of the situation we're in and the betrayal we both experienced.

"Great! Just great! I knew something was up and guess what! It was a trap!" Grayson yells.

God he's pissed. I understand his frustration, and yeah, I'm frustrated to. But I don't think yelling about it will do either of us any good; it sure as hell won't get us out.

"Grayson, we should probably just try to find a way out first. Then you can complain about things." I say calmly only for him to snap right back at me.

"Drake, are you fucking serious? How can you be so calm at a time like this?! We've probably walked into a death trap and you're just casually suggesting that we just find a way out of a room that we can't see in! What in the world are you thinking?!" Grayson's angry words echo within the room.

"Grayson, I-"

"No. Not only are you inhumanly calm, you've also been spaced out, day dreaming, complaining when things went too slowly. Hell, you ignored me when I clearly said I was suspicious of this stupid door! For once in your life, can you act normal!? We're in a dangerous situation and I don't want to die from your bloody mistakes! You never listen to what I have to say! You always go off on your own, prancing around as if everything revolves around you!" he rants until he runs out of breath, voice breaking holding back tears.

I understand where he's coming from... maybe I was a bit too trusting with that girl from earlier and I might've been ignoring Grayson... either way I have my reasons for what I did, telling him would be the best idea but I hesitate from doing so. The tension in the air is high, emotions are getting unstable and I just need to hope things calm down... will explaining help? Taking a deep breath in I prepare myself for backlash.

"Look, I'm sorry for doing that. I... a lot of things are happening and it's a bit too much to properly take in. But I want you to realise, I want you to know that I'm trying. I want to be alert, I want to listen but everything's so loud it... it's hard... I guess another thing is that... I guess I was a bit scared about what you said, I don't want to die and knowing you would shoot me if you could, makes me a bit hesitant to listen to you..." I explain, deciding to leave out the headaches knowing that would only make things worse.

"Look, I didn't mean to say that. I wouldn't shoot you, yes I want to live but I want you guys to live as well.  Anyway, knowing me I'd miss even if I tried. So please, forget I said that, it was a heat of the moment and I truly didn't mean it." he apologises, tone a lot calmer than before.

I twiddle with my fingers before replying, "Look, we're heading deeper into hell and I wouldn't be surprised if it decides to toy with us even more. How about this, let's promise to stick together even if we're at each other's necks! Separating will probably mean the end of us." I explain, only getting a mumbled agreement back.

He goes quiet and silence takes over, the unsynchronised beating of our hearts is the only thing that can be heard. Standing around won't get anything done. I let Grayson know of what I plan to do, he doesn't answer. Concluding he's just in a foul mood I decided to wander around and find a way out. First things first, head towards the door... no, I don't feel anything. Despite knowing where the door is, there's no door. My confusion only increases as I continue to walk forward. At first I had my hands crossed, ready to faceplant into a wall but as time goes on my paranoia increases, stretching my hands out I start to quicken my pace, still no contact. 
My continued running comes to a halt as I finally come into contact, but not with a wall. I hear a loud scream as I stagger back. Before I could react I hear a bunch of angry noises come from in front of me... it's only Grayson. I apologise and carry on my way, wandering around in the pitch black. With each footstep I grow more impatient as my endless wandering gets me nowhere. Defeated, I flump down on the floor. The floor! Maybe if I- wait, what the hell!? I'm falling? I- my heart races as I come to a sudden stop, confusion overrides me as I sit there. Thinking about the floor again I start to fall only to stop once I take my mind off it. What the hell. I shakily get up. And find my way back to Grayson, muttering to no one but himself. 

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