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Pov Elise

I was back in the clothes I wore in my dream from last night. I was alone in a room that looked a lot like my room in the house. My room looked different. It looked like it was from ninety years ago. I looked around and found a mirror. I still looked like myself, maybe this is just because it is my dream. A knock on the door stopped me from thinking about it much. I opened the door and there stood Henry. We went to a restaurant. I think we were on a date, but I'm not sure. The restaurant looked classy and I don't know how a nineteen year old guy is going to pay for it. I wasn't going to ask how. I thought about asking, but that would be weird. Besides, I'm still in a dream where my mouth probably won't coöperate with my mind. Somehow, the dream skipped dinner and he was walking me home.

"I'll see you later ms Harper" he said in a charming but yet still teasing way.

"see you later mr Angelo" I said in the same way.

After that I woke up. It is weird that I am having these dreams, but unless this Henry and Elizabeth are real I don't have to worry about them. Maybe I should write the dreams down in a notebook. I get out of bed and search for a notebook I'm not using. After I find one I write both dreams down.

I decided that today I would go to the attic since I couldn't do it yesterday. I open the door and walk up the stairs. They are a bit creaky and old. I look around and see some old stuff that is not interesting. As I continue to look around a little chest catches my eyes. It has a lock but I try to open it anyway. Just my luck, it is locked and I don't see a key. I searched for over half an our when I gave up. I looked for other interesting things but found nothing. I took the chest, went back to my room and put it on my nightstand. I will fing a way to open it and won't give up until I know what's inside. Who knows, maybe I'll find the key somewhere.

I was thinking of ways to open the chest when I get a text from my best friend back in Embotown. Her name is Emily and she's the best friend I could ever wish for.

Emily: You'll never guess what I have to tell you

U: What?

Emily: i ran into this super hot guy and he gave me his number!!!

U: omg and did u text him?

Emily: yes. He's sooo nice
So anything happened with you?

U: nothing really but I've been having weird dreams about some guy. He's very romantic though

Emily: is he hot?

U: yes...

Emily: you know your mind can't come up with new faces right? so you must have seen him somewhere. search for him

U: no

Emily: come on, I want to what he looks like :(

U: I'd rather search for a way to open the box

Emily: box?

U: yes. I found a box, but it won't open

Emily: tell me when you get it open, 'cause knowing you...

U: I know

We talk a little longer and before I know it it's almost 1 a.m. I'll find a way to open the box tomorrow.


When I wake up I see that I am late. I slept trough my alarm and it was the first day in a new school. 'Good job Elise' I thought to myself. I get ready as quickly as I can. I got to school just on time to get my schedule and get to my first class of the day. I found the classroom and went in. Luckily the class didn't start yet and I didn't have to introduce myself. I hate having to introduce myself to people, especially when it's in front of a class and you have to tell them interesting facts about yourself.

Nothing happened and soon it was lunch. Yay half of the day was over already. I sit down at an empty table. I hadn't made friends yet, but I didn't mind since it was my first day. Suddenly someone sat down at the table with me.

"Hy I'm Cassie, you must be the new girl. You don't mind if I sit here do you?" she said in a happy tone.

"yep, that's me. I'm Elise and no I don't mind." I answered.

We talked for the rest of lunch and I can see us becoming friends really fast. On our way to class she suddenly asks me: "you live in that old house right on the corner right?"

"yeah, why?" I asked her.

"Well... nevermind, it's nothing" she says.

"Please tell me, I won't get mad or something like that." I tried to get her to tell me what it was.

"It's stupid but... There is a rumor and people think it's haunted. Is that true? I mean, do weird things happen?" she asks

"Not really. My mom's vase broke out of nowhere, but that is the only 'weird' thing that happened. I'll tell you when something else happens." I replied.

She didn't get time to reply, because the bell interupted her.


The day was over and I just arrived home. I went to my room to do my homework until I got distracted by the box again. It wasn't a lot of homework and since I still didn't have a key or a way to open the box, I made my homework before I went to look at it again. There was a key right next to it. Am I crazy or just blind? Because I swear it wasn't there before this morning. Maybe this house is haunted and the ghost put it there. I laugh out loud at this. It's a long shot but I tried the key anyway. What surprised me was that the key worked.



I'm back. Little cliffhanger for you guys. What is in the box? Don't worry you won't have to wait long to find out. Tell me what you think of the story so far and if you see some errors tell me.

xx me

Loving ghost (On Hold/very Slow Updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora