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Elise pov

It was one of those dreams again. Only this time it looked darker than the other dreams and I had no idea why. That was, until Henry and this other guy showed up at the door. The dreams defenitely weren't in chronological order. The other person looked like him. They must be family. I thought, but I didn't see him at the funeral. He must have been busy that day, just like Henry's father. Anyway back to the point. I knew why this dream was darker, because Henry looked a little out of it, like something happened that shouldn't have or totally went wrong. I don't know what it was, but it seemed like Elizabeth knew more.

"Henry? Frank? What are you doing here at 11 p.m? Did it go wrong?" I asked.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Yes, he died." This Frank person said.

Henry still looked sort of spaced out and it was as if he wasn't really there.

"How could that possibly happen?" I asked.

"I don't know. His car crashed." Frank said.

Wait. Who are they talking about?  Who is this Frank and why do get bad vibes from him?  And most importantly, what the hell is going on with Henry?

I sighed and turned to Henry, who finally seemed to know what's going on.

"I told you a thousand times already to quit that job before something like this would happen. You never wanted to listen, because 'it would be fine'. Well look at it now." I said.

I was mad at something he had apparently done and Elizabeth knew what, but I didn't and I think that I would have to ask Henry if I wanted to find out.

"It was not my choice and you know that. My father would never let me quit." Henry said, also a little angry.

"Why not? What do you have to prove to him?" I asked Henry.

He kept quiet.

"Exactly! Nothing!  That's what you have to prove to him! So why are you so afraid of him?" I asked.

"Because he has everything that is dear to me in his hands! I don't even want to think about what would happen if I disobeyed my father." Henry says angrily

He was pretty scary when he got angry and I hoped that I would never be at the end of his anger when it wasn't a dream. Also Frank just stood there and did nothing. He looked like he was just enjoying it or something.

"Then you should man up and tell your father that you don't care what he does and that you quit!" I yelled.

I still didn't know what this fight was about. That fact confused and annoyed me at the same time.

"It's not that simple!" He yelled back.

"Why not?" I asked.

At that moment Frank decided to butt in, but with what he had to say, I wish he would have just kept his mouth shut.

"Because Elizabeth, you're a woman and your only purpose is to cook, clean and raise childeren." He said. (A/n: I don't agree with this in any way or form. It's just for the story.)

"Get out! Both of you!" I screamed while opening the door and waiting until they were gone.

I woke up after that. I don't know who Frank is, but he is an asshole an I hate him already after that dream. The dream frustrated me too, because I had no idea of what was going on. I would ask Henry about it later today.

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