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Elise pov

I am currently at school and class hasn't started yet. Cassie and I are sitting on a bench at school when I suddenly remembered she still hadn't told me about her date yesterday. Henry didn't come with me today because he didn't want to risk being seen.

"So Cassie, any chance you'll tell me who you went on a date with?" I ask.

"No, you have to figure it out yourself." She says.

"Okay. My first guess is Adrian" I say.

"Nope." She says.

"Wait what? I was a 100% convinced it was Adrian! Alright give me atleast a hint." I say.

"Let me think. If I can come up with a good hint that doesn't reveal who he is, I'll give you one." She says.

"Okay, tell me how it went and what you did." I say with no room for argument.

"We went on a picknick. It was in a beautiful field about half an hour walking from here. Of course we walked, which was kind of a downer, you know I don't really like walking, but it was okay because the scenery was awesome and it was a romantic walk. Then, after the picknick, we stayed there until dark to look at the stars. I loved it so much. I hope there will be a next date, but I think so because right before we went home, we kissed." She says.

"Wait, you guys kissed?! Now I really need to know who it is!" I say getting excited for my friend.

"I already told you that I'm not going to say his name." She says.

"Why won't you tell me? We're friends, I even told you about Henry and you won't tell me who your date was." I say, trying to get her to tell me who it is.

"No but here's a hint. He is in this school. I won't tell you more." She says.

"But that could still be a thousand people! How am I supposed to figure out who it is?" I ask.

"That's true, but at least you know where I know him from." She says.

I was going to say something so she would tell me more, but the bell decided to ruin it. The first class of the day was French and I really wasn't feeling it, especially after mrs Labein announced we will have a presentation next week about our 'l'arbre geneologique'. We had to go five generations back. I don't even know who my great grandparents are. How am I supposed to do that? And the fact that it's in French is even worse. The only words I know in French are 'Bonjour, oui, non and peut être' and that's it. Maybe I can ask my mom or dad to help. I hope my parents still have a family tree somewhere so I don't have to find out on my own. I will have to start tonight though or I won't have it finished and I'll stand here like a fish on dry land.


When I came home I still wasn't any wiser about who Cassie's mysterious date was and I wasn't going to pester her about it anymore. She'd tell me when I needed to know.

I saw my dad in the kitchen and decided to ask now if we still have a family tree or if I need to make one myself.

"Hey dad, do we still have thet family tree lying around?" I ask him.

"It's in the basement. Why?" He asks.

I tell him about the project for French and go down to the basement to search for it. I never liked basements. They are always so dark and creepy, but I guess I don't have a choice. As I was searching in a box I suddently felt a hand on my shoulder that startled me. Luckily it was only Henry.

"You scared me!" I say.

"Isn't that the whole point of beeing a ghost? Scaring people." He says jokingly.

I just roll my eyes at him and continue my search. When I find what I came here for I leave the basement.

"What were you doing down there anyway?" Henry asks after we entered my room.

"Looking for a family tree. Don't ask questions about it. It's for French and I have to start now because it will take ages since I'm very bad at French." I explain even though I said not to ask questions.

"I can help. I was almost fluent in French but it's been a long time since I even tried to think of a French word, so no promises." He says.

"Thanks. I'll take all the help I can get." I say while opening the paper and looking at it.
That was when I noticed something.

"Henry can you come here for a second?" I ask. He was sitting on my bed before I asked him to come.

"What is it?" He asks.

I point at the tree. More specifically a name on the tree. Elizabeth Harper was my great grandmother. I am surprised but at the same time it kind of makes sense. Henry was surpised too. I could see it on his face, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Well that explains why I look so much like her I guess." I say trying lighten the mood and it works.

"That's one mystery solved." Henry chuckled.

Just after he said that my phone rings. I look at it and it's the medium. Speak of coincidences.
I pick it up, say hello and put the call on speaker.

"I haven't been able to contact the guy. Sadly enough he died three weeks ago, but his son was giving away old stuff the man kept and there was some sort of diary in there. The son said it was just his father beeing crazy and writing it down. He said it's about a ghost lady, so I asked if I could have it and he agreed. Could we meet somewhere so I can give you this book?" She asks.

I looked at Henry to see what he thought, but he just shrugs. I decide it will be worth it and tell the lady to meet me in the park tomorrow morning before school.


Hy people,

I hope you liked it.
Have a great day.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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