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Pov Elise

I went to school with Hendrick. Since he was heading the same way I don't see why we wouldn't go together. We parted ways on the parking lot and I went to sit somewhere while waiting for Cassie to be here. She arrived 5 minutes later. We walked to our first class already and talked on the way.

"Did Henry come back already?" She asks.

I think she's hoping that he will come back too. If it's just so I would stop talking about him or because she starts to miss him too? I don't know, but I think it's the latter. They had weirdly become close even though she can't see or hear him.

"No, but I hope he does soon." I say.

"I know you do." She says with a wink.

Before I can say anything else, the bell rings and we go inside the classroom.


It was lunchtime and I'm sitting with Cassie. We were talking about everything and nothing and then she starts to talk about the new English teacher, aka my cousin, Hendrick Tomasito

"Have you seen mr Tomasito? He's so dreamy. I think English might become my new favourite class." She says.

"Ew, gross please don't say that." I say with disgust written all over my face.

"Why? Haven't you seen him?" She asks me.

"Yes, a lot actually. He's my cousin." I tell her.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a hot cousin?" She asks me as if it was a crime to not tell her.

"Because it never came up and I don't think of Hendrick that way." I say.

"If I had a cousin like that, I would." Cassie says.

"Cassie! I'm glad you don't have a 'cousin like that' then." I say.

We bursted out laughing and when we stopped, we looked at each other and started laughing all over again.


It is time for English and I know it's going to be weird that my cousin is the teacher. I don't know why, but I suddenly didn't want to go to English class anymore. I went anyway, because I wouldn't hear the end of it if I skipped class. Especially this class.

I was right. It was awkward from the moment Hendrick walked trough the door. He did his whole introduction thing and the awkwardness became only worse when the questions were asked. As you can probably guess some girl asked him if he was single. Why did I have to be here when half of the school's female population and maybe some guys too were going to flirt my cousin? I wanted to die of embarrassment.

"Not that it is any of your business, but yes." was his answer.

Wait, I thought he was dating Sarah? I would have to ask him about that after class. Of course I could do that now, but the whole class didn't need to know we were family. Not that I didn't want them to, it's just that they would probably start thinking he's going to give me better grades because of that or something.

There were some other questions but I didn't really listen. They were basic questions, questions like "Do you have any pets?" or "Why did you become a teacher?" and all that jazz. Eventually class was over and so was school. English had been my last class of today. When everyone left the classroom, I waited until Hendrick locked the room and we could go home.

"Hey Hendrick?" I ask, remembering I was going to ask why he didn't tell me that he and Sarah broke up.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Why didn't you tell me you and Sarah broke up? She was one of the few girlfriends you had that I liked." I say to him.

"I must have forgotten. Wait, which of my past girlfriends didn't you like?" He asks. He could be so blind sometimes.

"Why did you break up with Sarah? And for the ones I didn't like, they where Claire, Julie and Amelia." I say.

"What was wrong with Julie? And to answer your question, she found some rich guy and she tought that he was better than me." He shrugs.

"Julie threw me down the stairs and I broke my arm. Then she told you I just fell, remember? As for Sarah, I changed my mind. You're better off without her." I say to him.

"I know that." He says.


We got home and hung out again until it was time to go to sleep.

It wasn't one of THE dreams, but it still felt pretty real. I knew it wasn't one of those dreams, because I wasn't Elizabeth and it felt less real. I was in my room, but it looked a lot older and there were cobwebs everywhere. I was sitting on the ground, looking at something that I recognized very well. It was the box I once found in the attic. I heard a sound behind me and turned around. There, in the doorway, stood Henry.

"You're still here." He said.

"Yes, I would wait an eternity for you". I said.

Well that sounds a little dramatic, but it's just a dream so it doesn't matter.

"You shouldn't." He said.

"Why not?" I asked him.

"Because I wasn't going to come back. I hoped you would be gone by now. To tell you the truth, I never liked you and then it just had to be you that is the only one that can see me. You think we are friends and I just went along because it would hurt you more when I left." He said.

I begged for this to be a lie as tears were building up in my eyes.

"No. No, you would never do that to me." I said.

"But Elise, I just did." He said.

This wasn't Henry. It couldn't be. He would never do something like this and the tone he used didn't sound like him either. I couldn't look at him. If I did, I would let all the tears in my eyes out and I didn't want this version of him to see me cry. Especially not when that was what he meant to do.

"Why? Why would you do this?" I asked.

When I finally looked at him for a second, I saw it wasn't Henry talking anymore. He wasn't even here. I recognized the face that replaced Henry's, but I couldn't place a name on it.

"Because I'm not Henry." He said and took a gun out of nowhere and shot me.

I woke up and felt that someone was sitting beside me. It was Hendrick. I must have woken him up while I was dreaming.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Yeah, just a bad dream." I tell him, but then I see something by the doorframe.

"Alright. If you need me, I'm in my room. Don't worry about waking me up." He says and leaves.

I go to the hall to look if I can find what I saw by my doorframe, but there was nothing. I decide to walk a little further down the hall and then I saw him standing there.



Hy people,

Sorry this chapter is so late. I just kinda have a writers block by I will still finish this story, I might just take a little longer then I thought.

Anyways Henry is back and just to clarify: the dream really didn't mean anything except for maybe a hint as to who killed Henry, but not really.

I hope you liked the chapter.

pożegnanie (not Polish either, just used google translate for this one XD)


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