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Henry pov

I was surprised to hear about the dreams that Elise had. It sort of made me worried. There are a lot of things I did in my life that I'm not proud of. What if she finds out and never wants to see me again? I woudn't be able to live with that. Maybe if I tell her myself she'll be less mad. No that's stupid. Let's just hope Elise doesn't find out.

After she told me everything and I answered her questions, we just hung out.


A few days passed and nothing interesting happened. I still went to school with Elise, because I had nothing better to do and sometimes it was entertaining. An example of something entertaining that happened at her school is the foodfight from two days ago.

That brings me to this moment where Elise had a test and I was helping her cheat, even if she didn't ask me to do that. I just thought I could help her while I'm here anyway.

"7 is wrong. It's b, not a." I say to her.

She changed her answer and I went to look on other people's tests again. I did this for the rest of her test until she handed hers in. Then she took out a notebook.

Why did you help me?

"Can't I help a lady in need?" I ask her.

I wasn't in need. I knew the answers.

"Yep, tell that to the five minutes you wasted per question staring at most of them." I say sacastically.

I didn't stare for 5 minutes at every question. You're so unbearable sometimes.

"Maybe not, but you will score more on this test than if I wouldn't have helped you." I say, ignoring her second remark.

I saw she started to get annoyed at me, which was all the more reason to continue teasing her. She was cute when she looked annoyed. Wait what? Did I really think that? I know I told her she was cute when she blushed, but I was just teasing her back then.

I would have passed anyway, but...and I can't believe I'm writing this, you're right.

"I never thought I'd live to see this day." I say to her

Technically, you didn't.

"Ouch, that hit me right in the heart." I say with fake hurt.

What heart?

"You're so mean. I don't know how anyone can live with you." I say, still teasing.

Look who's mean now

"Still you." I say.

She just rolls her eyes and doesn't write anything anymore. The bell goes and we head outside where we meet up with Cassie. She wasn't in Elise's last class and even though she can't see or hear me, we get along well. We would have conversations in a lot of different way's, but most of the times Elise just tells her what I want her to say to Cassie for me.

"Hey." Cassie says.

"Hy." Elise says.

"Say hy for me too." I say to Elise.

"Henry says hy too." She repeats for me.

"Hy Henry." Cassie says to me.

"See she is nice. You should take her as an example instead of being so mean to me." I say teasing.

"Shut up. You're the one who isn't being nice." She tells me.

"What did I do now?" I ask her, still not being serious.

"What did he do?" Cassie asks

"He's just acting like a jerk." Elise says.

"And that's why you're the mean one and I'm the nicest person here." I say.

"No, you're not." She says to me.

"I still don't know what's going on. It's kind of annoying I can't see him." Cassie says.

"I agree with her." I say.

"For once I agree with you both. Then I wouldn't have to repeat everything he says to you." Elise says.

"That's twice already today. Are you feeling alright?" I ask her while pretending to see if she has a fever.

"Get your hands of off me." She says while slapping away my hands.

"I'm sorry but without context and only seeing one of you two, it's hilarious." Cassie says while laughing.

We looked at each other, then at her and started laughing too. We couldn't stop laughing, but after a while we had to bacause Cassie and Elise had to go to class again. Before I knew it, The day was over again and we went home.


Hy people,

I know it's a short chapter and maybe a bit boring, but it's just a filler. I hope you enjoyed anyway and see you laters.


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