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Pov Henry

It was very surprising when Cassie told me she could see me. Especially because she could only see me when I touched Elise. That only means that I would have to watch out for what I do, because if Cassie could see me, who else could? And why did that only start yesterday? Was it because I kissed Elise? We would still have to talk about that, but I'm trying to delay that, because I don't want an awkward conversation with her. I just hope she doesn't mind it.

We searched all over the internet and couldn't find anything, so now we are going to the library to see if they have a book that can help us. I don't think that is going to be the case, but Elise was convinced she would be able to find something.

"How are we even going to know where to look? There probably are a thousand books about ghosts." I say.

"We'll just ask the librarian if they can help us." She says as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"You're just going to go up to them and ask if they have a book about a ghost only beeing visible to other people than you when he touches you?" I ask sarcastically.

"Okay, maybe that's not the best idea, but I can ask if they have some books about the lore of ghosts or something like that." she says.

"That could work." I say when we enter the library.

We walk up to a man who looks like he could help and Elise asks the question. He leads us to a shelf with old books in the back and then goes back to what he was doing.

"Alright, let's take the books that look interesting and then get to work." Elise says.

I nod and take a couple of books. We sit at a table in the back so no one could see us. We had to, because it would be weird and kind of ironic if a book about ghost would turn pages on it's own. I open the first book and start looking for something that could help us.

"This is useless." I say after half an hour of looking trough books and not finding anything.

"We haven't looked trough everything. Maybe the useful stuff is just in the books we haven't looked at yet." She says.

"We should've brought Cassie with us. It would go faster." I complain.

"Yes, but she had a date with someone, she wouldn't tell me who, but I assume it's Adrian. She has been crushing on him for the longest time." Elise says.

"How do you know that? You've only known her since you moved here a little while ago." I ask.

"She told me. Now go back to searching or we'll still be here next year." She says.

"Yes ma'am." I say with a mock salute and go back to the books.

After a while Elise speaks up.

"I think I found something."

"Let me hear it."

"Nevermind, it only counts if I would have died and come back somewhere in my life." She says and I sigh.


We had gone trough most of the books and haven't found anything useful. I'm starting to think that this never happened before or no one shared their story, because they would sound insane. There is one book we haven't checked yet. It is our last hope and if there is nothing inside, we aren't going to find anything. We both look trough it full of hope, but when we near the ending all our hope is gone. There was nothing we could use.

"We'll have to find out ourselves I guess." I tell Elise.

"I have one more idea, but you may not like it." She says.

"What is it?" I ask. We have to try everything we can think of for answers.

"We can call a medium and ask if they ever heard of this." She says.

"Okay, if it's going to give us the answers we need, we should try it." I say.

After we put everything back in its place, we go home. Once home, Elise searches for a medium to call and ask if they could help us.

"I found someone." She says. "How should I explain the situation?"

"I don't know. You can say You're asking for a friend or just tell them the truth, they're a medium for some reason right?" I ask.

"I guess. But what if they also haven't heard of anything like this and want to get involved?" She asks.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." I say.


She dials the number and puts it on speaker. The medium picks up and I can hear it's a woman. The first person is just the assistant, but when Elise half explains our situation, the assistant tells us she will ask the medium to call back as soon as possible. First she tried to get Elise to make an appointment, but she could convince the assistant that it wasn't worth all the trouble.

"Do you think she will be able to help us?" Elise asks me after she ended the call.

"I don't know, but I wonder why it only started yesterday." I say.

"I have a theory, but it's stupid." She says.

"Doesn't matter, every theory is worth hearing." I reassure her.

"It might have something to do with what happened right before that... You know." She says.

She looks kind of uncomfortable to bring it up. I guess now is as good as any of a time to talk about it. I didn't mean to kiss her right then and there, but I don't regret it.

"Right, about that... I didn't mean to kiss you, but before you say anything let me finish. I don't regret it and I wouldn't mind if it happened again." I say, hoping she would think the same about it.

"Okay, good." And with that I felt her lips on mine again. It was just as magnificent as the first time until we were interrupted by her phone ringing.


Greetings and salutions my people,

So I decided to upload today because it's Henry's birthday jay.

Anyways, have a great day,


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