29 3 2

Pov Elise

I was in the car with my parents. We were moving to a little town called Empire Bay. It's probably more bay then empire, but hey, who am I to question the name? Anyway, we were moving there because my father got a job offer he couldn't refuse. I wasn't even mad we were moving because I loved the house.

We would arrive in the morning so we had the whole day to unpack and get used to everything. That brings me here, in my new room unpacking my stuff. The furniture had already been delivered and put together again, so i just had to decorate.

That is the only thing I did all day. I didn't want to do it the next day. I would start school on monday and even though it is in the middle of the year, I'm excited to meet new people. That wouldn't be for another two day's though. With that thought I went to bed.

I was standing in a street and I was wearing clothes that weren't mine nor from 2021. There weren't a lot of people and I was walking with someone else. It was a man and believe me when I say, he was hot. He was talking to me and it was as if I knew him, moreover it looked as if we were together. Nothing was going on, we were just walking and talking. It all felt so real. I wanted to ask who he was and where we were going, but my mouth didn't want to get the words out. Eventually, we stopped nearby a park.

"Elizabeth, I didn't take you here, just to walk." the man said as he took my hands in his.

Wait, my name isn't Elizabeth... What if this dream is someone else's life? This Elizabeth was one lucky woman if she knew a man so handsome.

"Well Henry, why did you take me here then?" I or Elizabeth, I don't know but since I was her I guess it was me, asked.

So this man's name is Henry? Good to know. Henry got on one knee and started talking.

"Elizabeth, I have known you my whole life. We have been together for only three years of those long nineteen years. I know it might seem early or that we are to young, but..."

He pulled a little box out of his jacket pocket and opened it. There was a beautiful ring in it. The ring was not really that special but I loved it.

"Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Oh my god, this Elizabeth is really lucky. She better says yes or I will go find this Henry and tell him to marry me instead.

"Yes, a Thousand times yes" I said and we kissed.

It is morning and I can't stop thinking about the dream. I know it was just a dream, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was something more. As if this Elizabeth and Henry were real. I shake the thought away and continue eating my breakfast.


My parents went shopping to buy things for the house. I didn't go with them, because I didn't think we needed anything else. Now I'm alone in the house and bored, so I decided to go look in the attic if I could find something interesting that the last residents of the house may have left. We hadn't been in the attic yet since we didn't have a reason.

I stand up and go upstairs to go to the door of the attic. I am about to open the door when I hear something downstairs. I let go of the door and go downstairs to see what it was. I walk into the living room and see my mother's vase on the floor in pieces. I hope she will believe me when I say I didn't break it. As I started cleaning it up my parents came home and saw the broken vase.

"Is that my vase?" my mother asks me. She looked a bit sad about it and it almost made me feel quilty even though I did not break the vase.

"Yes but I swear I didn't break it. It fell when I was upstairs." I say while I continue cleaning up the vase.

"So it just broke out of itself?" my father asks me, not believing what I said.

"Yes?" I say, more ask actually and he sighs.

"Just clean it up and we'll go buy a new vase later" he says.

The rest of the day I was to busy to go look in the attic. I guess I'll just go tomorrow.


Hy people,

This was the first chapter of loving ghost and I hope you will like it. Let me know and don't be a silent reader :). If you see typos or things that are wrong or confusing, just tell me I'll fix it.

'Till next time


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