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In the part with the ouija board, italics means that Henry said it with the board.

pov Elise

I was sitting on one side of the board and left some place for Henry while Cassie sat on the other side.

"Wait, how can we be sure it's one of the two people?" Cassie ask me.

"We'll just ask and hope they tell us the truth, but I have a good feeling about it." I tell her.

She seems satisfied with my answer and lays her fingers on the planched. (a/n: is that what it's called? idk I've never used a ouija board, pls tell me if it's wrong and you know what it is.) She closes her eyes and asks the first question.

"Is anybody there?" She asks.

"Are you sure about this?" Henry asks me and I nod my head.

He sighs and moves the planched to yes. Cassie opened her eyes when the planched moved.

"Are you doing this?" She asks me.

"Nope." I say to her honestly.

"Why is that the first reaction of every person ever?" Henry asks.

I have to hold in my laugh, because of two reasons. One, Cassie won't believe it's not me moving the planched and two, she still doesn't know I can hear and see Henry.

"Should we ask another question?" she asks me.

"Of course, that's the whole point of doing this." I say.

"Right, why don't you ask a question?" She asks me.

I was thinking of a question that I didn't really know the answer of, but wouldn't be weird at the same time, so I just decided to ask him something stupid.

"When where you born?" I decide to ask. I didn't really know and if he gave the exact date, I would know his birthday too.

"Why would you ask me that out of all questions?" Henry asks me before moving the planched.

I shrugged my shoulders.

24 04 1919

"Alright, we should just take turns on asking question." Cassie says.

"Okay, is good for me. Then it's your turn now." I say.

"What's your name?" She asked Henry.

Henry Angelo

"You can ask another question. I don't know anything." I say to Cassie.

"Really? You don't know anything to ask to a ghost?" She asks me.

"No, not really." I shrug my shoulders. I do know what to ask a ghost, but not if I already know him and don't want to ask questions that are weird or to personal.

"Then I'll ask another question. A very important one." She says.

"Let me guess. She's gonna ask what happened between Elizabeth and I." Henry says. He was pretty sure of this. I looked at him and tried to show him I agreed. Apparently, we were both wrong.

"Where you the one that wrote that letter?" She asked.

"No, I'm a different Henry." He says with a sarcastic tone and I roll my eyes at him before he moves the planched again.


"You can ask the important question." Cassie says to me.

"But I already know the answer. We're asking this for you." I say to her.

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