23. ✨shopping✨

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ok so i literally had to take a math quiz a couple weeks ago and i thought i was gonna fail bc i was sick and felt like absolute shit, but then i find out i got 107%?? how tf?
i mean good job me, but still


As soon as they arrived back to their apartment, Cordelia ran to the kitchen to get the thing she had been waiting for. Pink sugar cookies.

The pink sugar cookies from Target were Cordelia's all time favorite. She was delighted to see a full box of them in the pantry.

Regulus looked like he was about to tell her off for eating then before dinner, but he stopped when he saw Akira gorging on cookies too.

"Slobs, both of you," Regulus muttered, walking away. Akira laughed, stuffing another cookie in his mouth.

"Tell me all about your first semester," Akira said, leaning forward.

"I met Draco Malfoy, the son of that guy you avoided," she replied. "He's awful. Really pretentious."

Akira made a noise of disgust. "He sounds just like Lucius. Did you meet any other annoying kids?"

The look on Cordelia's face told Akira everything.

"The disliking I have for Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley is immeasurable," Cordelia said, refraining from rolling her eyes.

"What'd they do?" Akira leaned in even farther, wanting the gossip.

"They bought all the candy from the trolley on the train—"


"—And Ronald started to ignore his sister, my roommate, because she was sorted into Slytherin."

"What a bitch."

"I became friends with a girl named Hermione, and they made her cry by saying she was a nightmare and that she had no friends."

"They sound like jerks."

"They were!" Cordelia exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

"You want my advice?"

Cordelia nodded.

"Most people would say to ignore them," Akira said, lowering his voice. "But I say something else."

"And what's that?" Cordelia asked, sending her father enjoying being dramatic.

"Make their lives living hell," Akira smiled.

"Whose lives are we making living hell?" Regulus walked into the room.

"Harry Potter and Ron Weasley," Akira replied.

"Oh! Let me help." Regulus sat down at the table.

"You want to help?" Akira raised an eyebrow.

"Of course," Regulus replied. "James Potter helped make my life a living hell, might as well do the same to his kid."

"That seems a little unreasonable," Akira furrowed his brows. "But all right."

For the next few hours, Akira and Regulus helped Cordelia plan out various pranks she could use on Harry and Ron.

She never would have thought that Regulus would endorse pranks of any sort, but she wasn't going to oppose it. She assumed that was tied to a deep rooted hatred that Regulus had for both James Potter and his brother.

When Sirius Black had run away, he had gone to the Potters household, leaving Regulus behind. From Regulus's point of view, not only was he being abandoned, he was being replaced. So there was a lot of hatred and jealously.

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