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I remember you bare feet down the hallway

I remember your little laugh

Race cars on the kitchen floor

Plastic dinosaurs

I love you to the moon and back. 

Taylor swift sang as I danced on stage to her voice. As the song progressed the tears streamed down my face. The only reason this was because this song was about my child. My son. 4 years. 4 years was all i got with him. 4 years to spend with him. 4 years to take care of him. 4 years to have the one thing that I loved so dearly that I would do anything for. 4 years before he got taken away from me. As Taylor says in her song he was my best four years but why was he taken away from me? What did I do to deserve that?

Come on baby with me, we're gonna fly away from here

Out of this curtained room and the hospital grey will just disappear

Come on baby with me we're gonna fly away from here

You were my best four years

The tears were still coming down my face in a steady stream while I danced and twirled around the stage as I was meant to. Though my mind wasn't on the dance. Or the people watching us all because this was Taylor Swift's concert. No my mind was playing back all my memories of my baby boy. I didn't care if people saw me crying because I had a right to cry over my son. He was ripped away from me. And I had no chance to get him back. 

What if I'm standing in the closet trying to talk to you?

And what if I kept the hand-me-downs you won't grow into?

And what if I really thought some miracle would see us through?

And what if the miracle was even spending one moment with you?

I danced but the tears came faster now. Because those words Taylor had just sang were all things that I had told her I had done. That I had wished. I spent hours doing those things. Wishing for him to just come back. I told Taylor, My best friend, this. Because she was the only person I had.

My parents dis-owned me for getting pregnant at such a young age so I had to do everything by myself. Every now and then I do get money from them in a package with a letter from mum. She tried to help but my Dad hated me so much because of Ronan. I had him at 18 and my Father chucked me out.

I know who the Father is but he didn't want a child at that age so he basically told me to do everything myself. Taylor was my old school friend and when she made it big time she had helped me by getting me a job as one of her back up dancers.

It was hard juggling with keeping up with the job as well as taking care of Ronan but Taylor helped me. She had done so much for me. I owed her so much. And when he died she was the only one there for me. She made this song so we could both remember him and now this was all I listened to because I don't want to forget him. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. I am not letting him go. In my heart he is still here. He is still with me. I will never forget that. 

The song finished and I ran off stage as I was meant to but also because I needed a tissue. The concert was over now. I didn't need to go back on stage. Taylor had done that just for me. making that song the last so that I wouldn't need to be back on stage. 

I sat down side stage with a box of tissue's and cried my heart out. A few minutes later Taylor came side stage from the stage and sat down next to me. She hugged me tightly as her own tears spiked up. She had been like a second mother to Ronan. She knows what it feels like for me. So every concert she has we both sit side stage for ages crying. 

'I love you Taylor' I told her. Because she was the only one I could possibly love anymore. I had no one else. 

'I love you too Abigail' She said.


This story is inspired by Taylor Swift's song "Ronan" 

I hope you like it

Dedicated to @oneDloverforever because her book "One Night Stands" is absolutely amazing and brilliant and you should all read it and she is also really nice so yeah. You should all go read it. 

Thanks for reading!

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Ronan (Taylor Swift and One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now