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I opened my eyes in a hurry, feeling so queasy I knew I was about to vomit. I hurried out of the bed I was in as fast as I could towards the bathroom that I had gotten ready in before. I reached the toilet bowl just in time to have my insides come out threw my mouth. 

I sat there for about 2 minutes puking my guts out when I heard stirring from the other room. I wrappped my arms around the toilet bowl and sat there for a bit. Just breathing, I reached up and flushed the toilet because who ever was in the other room didn't need to see that. 

I feel like crap. I feel like a title wave came and hit me up against millions of trees and then out to sea and then I had to swim in again. My head hurts and I can hear it pumping as I slowly got up. 

I fell over as soon as I did though but someone managed to catch me. I turned around to see who it was once I was back on my feet. Turns out it was a half naked Niall. I looked at him confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked with genuine worry on his face. 

"Yeah, just last night's 21 shots catching up with me" I told him rather groggily. As I start to think about it I don't remember anything other than before the 21 shots. What did Niall and I do? "Um, why were you in my bed?" 

"You asked me to stay last night because you didn't want to be alone so I did" He laughed. Even though I love Niall's laugh it made my head hurt. I winced in pain as I brought my hand up to my head. 

"Oh.." I said as I started to walk slowly back over to the bed. All I wanted to do was sleep. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go get you some drugs and some greasy food. You go back to sleep." Niall said and I looked up at him with the most grateful look. That's just what I was craving for. 

"Okay" I agreed as I layed back in the bed and brought the covers up on top of me. 


Yeah, I know it's short. I know it's crap.

I'm sorry.

I don't have a real excuse for why I haven't been updating other than I just haven't had the inspiration or motivation to do so. So sorry all!

I promise to start writing more again. :D

Hope this was okay... sorry


Ronan (Taylor Swift and One Direction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon