Niall is my saviour

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‘Hello! Jingle Bell Ballers!’ Taylor yelled out to the crowd. I could see her from the wing holding Harry’s hand on stage. One Direction had just performed and now Taylor and Harry were announcing them being together. 

‘Taylor and I have come back for you guys to announce something exclusive and exciting!’ Harry said smiling. 

‘Harry and I are now, officially a couple!’ Taylor announced and I tried to be happy for her. I could hear boo’s from the crowd and some hurray’s, less of them though than boo’s.

‘Remember you heard it first at the Jingle Bell Ball! Now Taylor is going to do an amazing performance! Giev it up for Taylor, Her badn and her dancers!’ Harry yelled before running off past me. He winked at me as he ran past me and I went on stage to get ready for Taylor’s first song. 

*****************A little bit later**************

I remember you bare feet

Down the hall way

I love you to the moon and...


Taylor finished the song as I danced and cried. The crowd erupted and I ran off stage as the tears poured down my face. Thank god Taylor’s part of the show was over. 

Niall was waiting side stage and as I ran off stage he wrapped me up in his arms. I cried into his shoulder as Taylor finished up her show. 

After sound check Niall had told me what he meant and I understood him. He said that he was scared of love. He had never been in love before and din’t know what it felt like but he hoped to one day love me. I had smiled at him and told him that I hoped he would love me to. And that I loved him. Then we had spent the rest of our down time together, just talking, I think I really did fall in love with him. He had told me all these tour stories and I told him some things about Ronan. 

I think I needed Niall right now. He was there for me. He hugged me for a while as I cried into his shirt, someone else had gone on stage to perform and soon I realized it was those Little Mix people with that girl Perrie in it. They were singing DNA and I understood what the lyrics meant. I think it’s in Niall’s DNA.

He was saving from this heart break of Ronan. He was helping me. He is my saviour. Niall is my saviour. 

‘Abigail. Taylor said that she wasn’t going to be at your flat tonight so she can’t take you home. She has to go act like a couple with Harry for a while but she should be back in a few days. Do you want me to drive you home?’ Niall asked after a while. I nodded my head knowing I had no other way to get home. He grabbed my hand and started walking to his car. 

I followed him and as we got outside the place there were screams, shouts and camera flashes coming from every direction. Niall lead me through it towards his car and I blindly followed. 

‘Niall! Are you and Abigail going out?’ 

‘Abigail! How are you dealing with the loss of your son?’

‘Niall! How do you feel about Haylor?’

‘Abigail what is going on with you and Niall?’ 

Were only some of the shouts we got. Some of them are so disgusting that I don’t want to repeat them. They were things that I would cover Ronan’s ears up for. I don’t understand why they have to ask me how I am dealing with the loss of my son. Of course I’m not going well. How would you feel if you lost your son? Huh? Would you smile like it was a blessing? I didn’t damn think so. 

Ronan (Taylor Swift and One Direction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora