
559 15 2

The music was pumping loudly, louder then I ever liked music, even louder then my discomfort with music, it was louder than loud. And the sweat built on bodies made the room extremely hot and well, sweaty. It was kinda disgusting. However I was having so much fun. Niall and I were doing crazy dance moves with one another while Harry and Emily were dancing a little bit more sexually than Niall and I. Sabrina was dancing with Zayn but they weren't doing anything sexual, it was more fun dancing. Liam, Louis and Taylor were over at the bar taking bets on whoever could drink the most shots.

I don't know why I never came out clubbing. It was so much fun. I was kind of drunk but not so much that I couldn't see the floor. I was a little tipsy that's all. Niall was making funny faces at me as we danced and I kept laughing because to me they were the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. 

Yet I also know why I am sort of glad that I didn't ever go out clubbing because even though I am having so much fun I am also extremely hot and my feet hurt from the heels and the dancing all night. 

'OH MY GOD! You have to!' Niall yelled out of no where before grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the bar where Taylor, Liam and Louis were.

'Who won?' I asked, sorta yelling over the music. 

'I DID!' Louis yelled louder than was needed. 

'Who lost?' I questioned because everyone needs to know. 

'LIAM!' Louis screamed and I laughed at him.

'Guys! Abigail hasn't done the 21 year tradition! She never went out clubbing so she wouldn't have done it!' Niall exclaimed. 

'Wait what? what haven't I done?' I queried. 

'It's a tradition that wen you turn 21 you have to do the twenty-one shots. I did when I turned 21 but you missed it because you never went out clubbing!' Taylor explained for me.

'I DID IT WHEN I TURNED 21 TOOOOOO' Louis screamed again. 

'So Abigail has to do it!' Niall enthused. Argh there was no getting out of it now is there? 21 shots? That seems like a lot. Especially since I've already had a few drinks.

'I'll go get the others!' Taylor said tipsily before walking off unsteadily toward the dance floor where the others all were. 

'I am NOT doing 21 shots! I can hardly keep the drinks I've already had down!' I whined but they all gave me looks that told me I wasn't getting out of it. Except Liam, he was more dismissive. 

'Ah! I cannot wait for you to do this Abbi!' Sabrina exclaimed, she was so excited to watch me puke, as the others all walked with her towards us. And I am certain, I will puke. 

'21 shots please' Niall ordered from the bar.

'Who's turning 21?' He asked, obviously knowing this seems to be what happens when people turn 21. 

'She's never been clubbing before and is already 22' Niall explained.

The bartender gasped. 'Wow, that's a crime!' The others all laughed but I just looked down at my feet. Wasn't my fault I wanted Ronan to have the best life possible even without his father. '21 shots coming up!'

'Eeeeeeee! I CANNOT WAIT!' Sabrina squealed. Wow, she gets really hyper when drunk. Not like she wasn't hyper enough to begin with. 

The bartender finished serving up the 21 shots and everyone surrounded me and started cheering me on. I looked at the shots all lined up and felt queasy at just the sight of them. There are so many!

'ABIGAIL! 21! ABIGAIL! 21!' The gang were shouting and I took a big breath in before taking the first one in my hand. The best way to get these down would be quickly so I thought up a little strategy. 

I started pouring one shot after another down my throat. The aftertaste was so horrible I just wanted to stop after the first one but I couldn't I had to keep going. Even the bartender was watching. 

I kept pouring them down and after about the 12th one I felt extremely sick. I paused as I had to breathe and the aftertaste was so horrible in my mouth. 

'Come on Abbi! Your more than half way!' Niall encouraged me as the others kept chanting. I kept going, one by one, a lot slower than before.

I managed to get through them all but as soon as I finished the last one I ran away as fast as I could towards the bathroom. I ran into a stall, bent over a toilet and puked up all the shots I had just had. And some of the dinner we'd had before. 

I heard someone come in to the bathroom and I felt someone pull back my hair from my face. I vomited half my guts out before I finished and got up after flushing the toilet. i turned around to see Taylor with a sympathetic look on her face. 

'Don't worry honey. I did the same thing after my shost at my party too' She sympathized and I tried to give her a smile but I felt so weak. 

'Can we go home now?' I asked her as I pretty much fell into her after atempting to walk. 

'Yeah, let's go home. After all it is way past your bedtime! It's 12 o'clock! I can't believe you Abigail!' Taylor joked and we walked out of the bathroom. 

We walked past everyone and Niall walked up to us. 

'Where are you guys going?' He asked as the others gathered around. 

'We're gonna go home. Abbi's feeling really sick. It is her first time clubbing!' Taylor explained for me. Thank god cause I feel really tired all of a sudden. 

'Okay, I'll come with you!' Niall suggested and he took my hand. 

'Are the rest of you going to stay out here and party?' Taylor asked the rest of the group and they all nodded. Niall, Taylor and I turned around and walked out of the club leaving the others to dance and have fun. 

Niall hailed a cab and we all hopped in, he also told the cabby the adress and soon we were on our way home. Niall wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into him. Taylor and Niall were talking but I couldn't really hear them as I slowly drifted to sleep in Niall's arms. 


Hey all

So I hope you all liked the chapter! Sorry for the seriously slow updates. Blame school because it is all it's fault. There will be another upload in a bit but it will still be slow. Again, blame school. 

Anyways I hoped you liked Abigail's first time clubbing. Now I have never been clubbing so I don't really know what it's like but I hope I did a good job of describing it even if I don't know myself. 

Okay so apologies in advance for slow updates and yeah. I might even have to put this on hold for a bit so I can focus. 

Bye bye


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