The Day He Leaves

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For the past two days I had spent the majority of my time with Niall. He had stayed over at night to and kept me company because Taylor wasn’t here. Well at least that was my excuse. I really just wanted him here. Today Taylor was coming back and Niall was leaving as well as all the other One Direction boys. 

All the boys other than Harry had done a few signings and I had stayed at home when Niall had gone to do so. Harry and Taylor were all over the news, the internet, radio’s, everything. They were on everything. There was even a magazine saying she was pregnant. 

That is ridiculous. Taylor wouldn’t risk her career just to get knocked up by a guy who is her fake boyfriend. So I know it’s not true but every Swifty and every Directioner is going crazy. 

Niall is here, he is having a shower while I’m cooking some bacon and eggs in the kitchen. This will be the last few hours I get to spend with him. He stayed here again last night, mainly because I asked him too. I needed someone and he helped me. He really did. He had helped me take my medication and there had been no more attacks when I thought Ronan was here when he wasn’t. I wish he didn’t have to leave. I am only just starting to get better. I have to go to the doctors again tomorrow. For my check up, Taylor will be here then. 

Taylor gets here in about an hour and Niall leaves in about three hours. Harry is supposedly already in England because he didn’t see the point in coming back here just to take another flight back home. I see the point but it means he won’t be with the other boys. 

‘Hey Abigail. Is breakfast ready?’ I heard Niall call from another room. One thing I had learned about him these past few days is that the boy is always hungry. He has eaten half my cupboard out. Even the stuff I had for Ronan when he was here. 

‘Nearly!’ I yelled back and flipped over a few pieces of bacon before turning the stove off and serving the bacon and eggs on a plate. I gave Niall the majority of the whole thing. 

I sat down at the kitchen table and started to eat slowly as Niall came out and sat beside me after getting his plate and started eating. I got up and got the tomato sauce and sat back down with it. I poured it over my bacon and eggs and Niall looked at me in disgust. 

‘What? Don’t judge me! I like my sauce!’ I defended and he started laughing at me. 

‘I’m not judging. It’s just I’ve never seen someone eat bacon and eggs with their sauce’ He said chuckling. I just rolled my eyes. I got that all the time. 

‘Shut up Niall!’ I told him and he smirked at me before stuffing more food in his mouth. 

‘What do you want to do for the last few hours we are together?’ He asked once he was finished stuffing food down his throat. 

‘Um... I don’t know. It’s up to you.’ I said and he smiled at me. I smiled back. His smile was contagious. 

‘Want to watch a movie?’ He asked and I nodded my head in agreement.

I sat down on the couch while Niall viewed my movie collection. It had a lot of kid’s movies because of Ronan but it had some good one’s. 

‘What about Iron Man 2?’ Niall asked. 

‘I love that movie! Robert Downey Junior is so hot and such a good actor!’ I fan-girled. 

‘Couldn’t you say that when I’m not around?’ Niall asked as he put the movie in the movie and the credits started playing. 

‘Aw, Niall are you jealous of my undying love for Robert Downey Junior?’ I questioned him as he sat down. 

‘Maybe.’ Niall said simply and a shuffled closer to him and snuggled in with him.

‘Well don’t be because I will never meet him. And I think I love you just as much.’ I murmured just enough that Niall would catch a bit of it but not much of it. 

1 hour later

‘Abigail? Hello!’ Taylor called through out the house and I paused the movie and walked to the front door to meet her. I gave her a hug as she smiled at me. It took me a few seconds because I had to unwrap myself from Niall. 

‘Hey Tay. How was your little holiday?’ I asked. 

‘Urgh! I will tell you later. Right now I need to get my stuff inside.’ She said as Niall came and stood behind me. ‘Oh hey Niall. I didn’t know you were here’ She gave me a suspicious look and I just smiled at her. 

‘How are you Taylor?’ He asked politely. 

‘I’m okay. Just a sec, I got to get my things from the car.’ She said as she rushed down and opened the boot. Niall and I both followed her and helped her take her things to our apartment. 

Once we had brought everything back in she looked at both of us and smiled. 

‘So what have you guys been doing today?’ She asked a little awkwardly.

‘Um, We were actually just watching Iron Man if you would like to watch the rest with us?’ I said and started walking off to the living room. 

‘Oh no, it’s okay. I’m going to unpack my things. You guys can watch the rest though.’ She said and walked in the opposite direction with a few of her bags. 

I settled back down on the couch with Niall and curled back in to him. I liked this. I like how I could just curl into him and feel so safe. Like nothing could hurt me or anyone I cared about. I sort of wish he had been there with me when Ronan was still here. I feel like his presence could have saved him. But he is gone. Already gone, but Niall here to help me. 

When the movie finished I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay in his arms forever. I knew I couldn’t though. He was leaving soon. In about a half hour to be exact. 

‘Abigail I’m gonna have to go now. I mean I still have to pack up my things and then go to the airport. And I know that that is gonna take a while because everyone know’s we are going today so there is going to be heaps of traffic and fans.’ Niall sighed and I looked up at him. I didn’t want him to leave. Couldn’t he just stay?

‘Don’t go?’ I spoke my thoughts. 

‘I don’t want to but I have to. I wish I didn’t.’ He said looking into my eyes. In that moment I loved him more than anything. More than Ronan. I leant forward and kissed him. It took him a few seconds but he kissed me back. It was just a short sweet kiss, something to remember while he is gone. I broke apart and looked at him. 

‘What was that for?’ He asked, out of breath. It’s not like we are together or anything but I had to do it while I had the chance. 

‘Something to help you remember me while you are gone. Don’t forget me. Well you won’t have the chance. I am going to be calling you... If that is okay with you?’ I rushed and he smirked at me. 

‘That is perfect. We can text and call. I promise you I won’t forget you. I really do have to go though. I’ll see you soon. I promise’ He quickly said before grabbing the few things he had here and fast walking to the door. I followed him and stood there as he turned back to me. 

‘In these few days I think I have...fallen in love with you. So I promise I will not forget you because I can’t. I’ll talk to you soon.’ He said looking at me before pecking my lips and then rushing off to his car. I smiled as I watched him drive away. 

I think I fell in love with you too Niall. 

Ronan (Taylor Swift and One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now