Flying over to see them

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‘I can’t believe I am about to meet One Direction! Thankyou so so so so so so so so much for taking me!’ Sabrina thanked us for about the tenth time on this flight. We were landing now. Taylor was sitting on the window, I was sitting in the middle and Sabrina was sitting next to me. We had ended up taking Sabrina, mainly because she promised me that she would buy me coffee every morning before school. I couldn’t say no to that. 

‘And I am on a plane with Taylor Swift! AAAAH!’ She screamed and the flight attendant came over to us. 

‘I am just going to have to ask you to keep the noise level down. Many people are getting scared because of your screaming’ She said before walking away to seat herself while the plane tilted downwards meaning we were going to land soon. 

‘Excuse me? Did you say you are going to meet One Direction?’ The girl across the isle asked Sabrina. She looked to be a little younger than me and Taylor but about the same age as Sabrina. 

‘Oh my god! Destini! I didn’t even realize that was you! Yes! I am going to meet them!’ She squealed quietly to this Destini girl. 

‘That is so cool! I wish I could meet them! Maybe one day! That Louis, oh he is just beautiful!’ Destini squealed with Sabrina. 

‘How do you know her?’ I asked quietly to Sabrina.

‘We used to go to school together. She is my best friend. We just haven’t seen each other since high school’ She told me quietly. ‘So what are you doing going over to England?’ 

‘Oh I’m going to go work over there. I always wanted to live in London!’ Destini answered. 

‘I know you did. Where are you going to work?’ Sabrina exclaimed. 

‘Well I got a job at starbucks so that’s going to be like my started job over there but eventually I’m hoping to get a job as an artist. I think I may go onto X Factor or something. I really want to be a singer.’ Destini explained. Taylor had her earphones in and was singing along so she wasn’t listening to anything we were saying. 

‘Could all electrical items be switched off now?’ The over head speaker asked and I nudged Taylor telling her to turn her iPod off. Sabrina and Destini were still talking. 

‘You get to meet Harry’s real girlfriend today.’ I mentioned and Taylor looked at me.

‘Yeah, I don’t know whether to be happy or sad about that. I mean I did like him but I don’t really want a relationship out of something fake so I guess I’m okay with it. I just hope that she’s nice.’ Taylor explained. 

‘I hope she’s nice too.’ I agreed. 

‘Hey, you never did tell me how the last three days of Orientation week went. You always got distracted.’ Taylor commented.

‘Oh yeah, sorry. Well on the third day we did hip-hop and capoeira, that was exhausting but so much fun. I didn’t even know what Capoeira was until that day. It’s like martial arts but used in dance. On the fourth day we did Jazz and Broadway dance. Then on Friday we did Ragga Fusion and Progressions. I liked them all. But I think my favorite was probably Ballet or Jazz.’ I chatted to Taylor as we landed and soon enough we were walking off the plane. 

‘Sounds like you had fun.’ She said. 

‘I did. Hey, what do you do while I’m at school?’ I asked and she smiled at me. 

‘Just rehearsals and some song writing. Nothing to exciting. You aren’t missing out on anything. I promise’ She said as we walked out of the gate and into where everyone was waiting. Sabrina and Destini had also been talking with each other the whole time. 

Ronan (Taylor Swift and One Direction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora