Flying home

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It's sad that we only got to spend saturday night here and sunday morning. Especially because now I have to fly home with a major hangover. 

I've had a great time with Niall, he's amazing and Sabrina is really funny. Taylor has to stay down here and Sabrina and I are going home. So here we all are at the airport waiting for the plane to be ready for boarding.

"Hey, I want to have a group photo so all pose and I'll ask someone if they can take it!" I announced and people started to get ready for the photo.

"Hey excuse me miss? Would you mind just taking a photo of us?" I asked politely to this couple who had been sitting down on the waiting chairs and holding hands. They were probably in there 30's.  

"Sure, here. Go get in there!" She said as she stood up and took my phone off me. I ran over to the group and posed next to Niall and Taylor while the rest were surrrounding us. "Beautiful! One more! Go crazy!"

We all pulled hilarious faces and when the photo was taken I ran back up to the girl and took my phone back off her. "Thanks so much!" I told her as I walked back over to my little group. 

"Flight J4421 is now boarding at Gate 23. Flight J4421 now boarding" The voice over announced and Sabrina and I jumped up.

I went and hugged all the boys except Niall, I was saving him for last. Emily hadn't been able to come but I wrapped Taylor up in a tight hug. 

"I'll miss you! Have fun over here! I've got to go back to school" I laughed with her as we broke apart. 

"Oh I will be having plenty of fun!" She laughed. 

I stood up to Niall and went for a hug but he lent in quicker and gave me a quick kiss. When he pulled back I smiled at him and brought him in for a hug.

"I'll miss you loads!" I told him. 

"I'll miss you more! And even if you wake up in the middle of the night you can call me" He whispered and I smiled into his shoulder. 

We both pulled back and Sabrina and I said our final good byes before walking into the boarding area. Ah, that was so much fun.

"Thanks so much for taking me! I think I like am in even more love with Zayn then I was before!" Sabrina rushed and I laughed. 

"It's okay! It was fun to have you there!" I exclaimed as we took our seats. 


Another short chapter I know but I'm just trying to get this moving along. 

Sorry that it's so crap


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