First Fight

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Dinner was great. Everyone laughed at jokes and everyone listened to stories that someone told. Dean seems so nice and he is a looker, I must say. I got heaps of complements about my chicken curry and everyone was so full after eating only a little bit of my giant snickers bar. It was delicious though.

Now Taylor and Dean are up in her room, unpacking (supposedly). I think they are doing something different. While Niall and I are doing the dishes just after Sabrina left about five minutes ago. 

"That was amazing Abbey! I loved it! I didn't know you could cook like that. You're going to have to cook for me ALL the time now" Niall gushed, he hadn't been quiet about the food for a long time now. 

"Thanks Ni, but really you don't have to say how amazing it was again. I know, I get the picture" I told him with a little giggle as I rinsed a plate before placing it in the dishwasher. Niall was scraping the pan that I'd made the curry in down while I rinsed everything and put it in the dish washer. 

"Okay, okay. Sorry" He smirked at me as he sent a splash my way. I laughed and splashed him back with the soapy water. 

"Hey!" I squealed when he full on drenched me by getting a scooping a whole heap of the water towards me. This led into a full water fight and by the end we were both drenched and laughing so hard that we were both bent over with our hands on our knees for support, making sure we didn't fall over. 

"Now I'm going to need a shower!"I whined between fits of laughter. 

"I could join you?" Niall suggested dirtily with a wiggle of his eyebrows. I stood up and smacked his arm playfully. 

"I don't think so Mr.Horan." I said with a giggle. My laughter having settled down. I think I almost got a 6-pack just then from how hard I was laughing.

Thank god I had done my last plate before we had our splash fight because now I'm done and can actually go up for a shower. 

"I'll be back in about half an hour. You know where everything is, make yourself at home" I told Niall as I made my way towards the stairs.

"Where are you going for half an hour?" Niall asked in disbelief. 

"To the shower? Where else?" I smirked as I bounded up the stairs. 

"I've always wondered what girls do in there but I've decided I don't want to know." Niall muttered just loud enough that I caught onto it. It made me giggle as I walked down the hall, past Taylor's room (The door was shut), and towards my own. I stirpped down and walked into my on-suite before hopping into the warmth of the shower. 

Exactly half an hour later I was back downstairs in my pajamas and walking towards the couch that Niall was tucked up in while watching the tv. 

"I hope you didn't miss me too much?" I joked as I walked over to him and laid down next to him. He was so warm to snuggle into. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. The butterflies flying in my tummy right now are ridiculous. 

"I missed you like the Moon misses it's stars" He smirked. It's something we say on the phone to each other. My heart skipped a beat as I looked up at him. He was just so perfect. 

"I love you Abigail" He whispered and I'm pretty sure my heart basically just stopped. How long has it been? About 5 months since we met and 3 since we got together. Is that too early to say that?

No, it's not too early. If you feel it, it's right and you should say it. It's never too early. But I shouldn't make the same mistakes I did with Ronan's father. He used me, told me he loved me. But all he wanted was sex. I tried to ignore that as I turned around so we were face to face, lying side by side on the couch.

"I love you too" I whispered back. He leant in for a kiss and I kissed him back eagerly. He was amazing, I can't believe I even had to think about whether or not I should say those three words back. I do love him.

"Why don't we go upstairs?" He asked and I nodded. My mind was in a fuzzy state. I couldn't really think properly as we walked up the stairs towards. 

We entered my room and Niall closed the door behind us. I don't remember the walk from downstairs being this quick. My heart was racing as Niall pushed me back up against the door he had just closed and started to kiss me hungrily. Of course I kissed him back with just as much hunger. His arms wrapped around my waist as my hands slid up to tangle in his hair. 

Each kiss got hungrier and hungrier. More lust put into each touch, each second. 

As we kissed my mind started to clear up and I started to think straight again.

I had let this happen before. This was how it had all started before.

This is how Ronan ended up in my life. 

I pushed Niall away strongly, furiously. 

"Are you just using me? Using me like Ronan's dad did? Do you think I'm that easy?" I tried not to yell but it was hard. Niall stood there with his mouth open, watching me as I yelled at him. "I will not let that happen again! YOU CAN NOT DO THIS TO ME! NO ONE CAN DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!"

"Hey, Abbey! I'm not using you! I promise!" Niall tried to calm me down. 

" I don't believe this. He did this exactly the same way you just did! He told me he loved me and then did what you just did! Why? Niall, I thought - I thought you actually did love me? I guess I'm still as delusional as I was back then!" I ranted. I didn't really give him another second to speak. I pushed him out the door and slammed it in his face. "Don't come back! Ever! Leave!" 

Tears started streaming down my face as my back slid down the door. I wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my head on my knees. 

"Abigail! I'm not the same as your boyfriend before. I'm different! I'm Niall! I would never do that to you! Open up and we can talk about this." Niall called through the door and I started sobbing. 

"Just go away Niall! Stop LYING TO ME" I yelled. I don't want to talk to anyone. I just felt like it wasn't worth it. Why does everyone I love have to betray me one way or another. 

The only people in my life that actually stuck by me, loved me for me were Taylor and Ronan. Ronan was gone. He was gone. Now all I have is Taylor and she isn't even here very much. She's busy touring, travelling the world with her pretty blonde hair, her perfect body and amazing voice. Why is her life so fricking perfect. Why can't I just be her. 

I can't even trust Sabrina. She was probably just using me to get to One Direction anyway. 

You can't trust anyone in this world. 

I have completely zoned out of anything. I can hear muffled voices on the other side of the door but I cn't hear what they are saying. 

I stand up slowly, my knees cracking as I do, I turn and lock the door before I walk over to my desk. I pick up my ipod and my earphones before plugging them in. 

I turn on "Oblivion" by Bastille and tune out the rest of the world. 

I can't trust anyone. The only person who really loved me was Ronan.

I loved him. Now he's gone. 

The tears stream freely down my face as I lay on my bed and stare up at the white ceiling. 

I don't even think life is worth it anymore. 


Okay! Hey guys

I updated YAY! I love me too!


No anyways.

So I know this may have been a little unrealistic at the moment but I hope you'll get how actually realistic it really is. 

You'll see in the next chapter. Which I might even post today, maybe. If your lucky.

Anyways I hope you liked it! Get ready for depressed Abigail again!

I promise things will get better though :D


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