Headcanons! Dating Armin would include..

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(A/N: I'm convinced me and daddy Armin are soulmates 🤧
*sigh* anyways Alexa play Harry Styles - Golden)


- First of all, this mf gets heart eyes everytime he looks at you.

- Armin definitely didn't get much attention from girls growing up, so he regularly questions how someone as beautiful as you became his girlfriend.

- When you guys finally have free time, you'll sneak off to his room and find him and his books scattered across his bed and an old school book on his lap.

- He looks up and once he spots you, a soft smile appears on his face and he closes the book in his hand.

- "Hey beautiful"

- He beckons you over, moving his other books out the way so you can lay on the bed with him.

- He'll lay your head in his lap and then open the book back up, and read it to you. Slowly stroking your hair as he does so.

- Yes, you have fell asleep in his lap multiple times because of this, and he loves it.

- Because if you're about to drift off, he'll never force you to wake up, he's the type who'll hum a song to help you fall asleep easier.

- Imagine his soft voice aw 🥺

- Just like everyone else, Armin has bad days, where he gets insecure and sees himself as inferior to his peers, especially Eren and Mikasa.

- On those bad days, all he needs is you close to him and for you to tell him that you think he's just as worthy as his peers.

- But what really helps him calm down immediately is tracing shapes on your back.

- So please let him press his cheek against your head and slowly trace patterns on your back with one finger.

- The feeling of your skin helps ground him, and he knows it's something you enjoy too when you let out a content sigh.

- On better days, he WILL talk your ear off when he talks about the ocean or something new he learnt, but he's just so damn good at explaining it, it'll get you excited and interested too.

- You guys will have these 3 AM rambles about the outside world and he will always promise to show you the world one day.

- Ok but I can totally see Armin running to his bestie Mikasa every time he needs some romantic advice about you - and she WILL give the BEST advice

- And no, he doesn't ask Eren because that boy is dumb asf in these matters lmao

- Dates with Armin are usually picnic dates when you guys get a day off. He always takes you out on sunny afternoons.

- And this guy is a total simp by the way, he will prepare the dates weeks beforehand. Hell, he'd even ask Captain Levi if he could have some of his rare tea for the date!

- He lovessss to feed you the food he brought to the picnic because he thinks it's so sweet and he generally loves taking care of you 🥺

- Another way Armin takes care of you is by protecting you from sly, manipulative people.

- People really forget the power Armin holds. Armin is no saint, as a master manipulator himself, he can identify other manipulative people easily.

- So no one better mess with you. If you ever encounter a manipulator, or gaslighters, they're not gonna be exploiting you anytime soon because homeboy Armin will mind fuck with these bitches.

- Definitely buys you flower bouquets on the most random days, and when you ask him why he'll simply say:

- "They reminded me of you, my love"

- Overall Armin would be one of the best boyfriends out of all the other boys and you'd be lucky af to date him! 🥺


(A/N: Are these Armin headcanons just a bunch of scenarios I created in my head to help me fall sleep better? Yes. Do I have any shame? Nope 🥰)

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