Part 28

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You are right Arnav. Khushi bitiya I am so sorry. I am a mother who failed somewhere in bring up my children. I ended up losing my family. When I saw the photos, the things Anjali said about you all these while took a toll on me. I couldn't let my Arnav suffer anymore. I became selfish and my fear made me overlook the care and love I have seen in your eyes for my bitwa. I don't have words to apologize you bitiya but please forgive this old woman who said all those nonsense because of my fear .I made a mistake that I got manipulated with few photos and words. Forgive me bitiya." Dadi held Khushi's hand and apologized. Her eyes refused to stop the tears of guilt.

"It's ok Dadi. I can understand your fear dadi. Trust me when I say this I will never ever betray your Arnav" Dadi nodded. Khushi knew where her fear came from. She was a woman who lost everyone because of a betrayal. She had seen relief and happiness in her face whenever she saw Khushi and Arnav together. Khushi knows whatever Dadi said was in pure panic and fear because of Anjali's manipulation. She forgave Dadi but never Anjali.

When Khushi forgave dadi , Arnav looked towards Anjali. His look said it all 'You better apologize'.

"I am sorry" Anjali apologized as if she was doing a charity

"No you are not Anjali. These photos had nothing of that sort like you portrayed. It could have been anyone my friend's father, my friend anybody. There is nothing in those photos other than pure care .I was not hugging them behind closed doors but in public area .That itself should have conveyed that it is a something I cherish. But your mind is too corrupted to see any of this. You were instigating family against me by maligning my character. Consider this as a warning. If anything of this sort happens again you will have to face the law. Khushi said in a very calm voice even when her hands itched to slap this woman.

"I am sorry Nani, Mami and Arnavji that I said this but I won't sit quiet and endure her tantrum anymore "Khushi said to the three people who trusted her without giving her a single glace of doubt.

"We understand bitiya. Anjali clearly said things which she should not have. She has been doing this from the time you came here. You have given her chances and have tolerated her tantrum so much. I don't expect you to forgive her anymore " Nani assured Khushi. She knows if Khushi is still in their home after the things happened and then was forgiving towards everybody and Subhadra ,that is because of her goodness. Anjali had crossed her limits when she pinted towars Khushi's character without knowing anything .All this could have been avoided if she first talked to Khushi than accusing her and maligning her daughter in laws character. She had warned her the moment Anjali showed her the photos. She and Manorama repeatedly asked her to keep quiet and they will talk to Khushi bitiya about it but Anjali didn't give heed to them and instigated her Dadi .She continued portraying Khushi as a betrayer and characterless in front of Subhadra that She too give into that.

But all her thoughts came to halt when Anjali loud voice reached her ears.

"Are you trying to threaten me? Who do you think you are? "

Khushi didn't bother to replay her .She gave a small smile but it said it all 'try me'.

Khushi went towards nani and held her hand "Thank you for trusting me Nani ,and then she looked Manorama and said the same. I know you never wanted your children to quarrel .Unfortunately I am the reason for this."

Nani cupped Khushi's face immediately "No bitiya. You are not the reason this happened. It is because of someone who can't accept the truth.(said looking at Anjali).Bitiya how will I not trust you. The first time I saw you in Payal bitiya's engagement I liked you. I wished someone like you to be my Arnav's wife. And I am so sure I made the right decision. Bitiya before you and Payal came to this home, it was like a lodge. Arnav and Akash will return late from office especially Arnav. We were just people living under a roof but you both made this a home. I could see my chotte happy, living. You have become a daughter to Manorama and sister to my Akash and NK.I could see your bonding. This family is filled with a joyful atmosphere only because of you both. Then how will I not trust the person who gave me my home bitiya" Khushi's eyes where heavy with tears. She lived in Gupta home for years but it was never a home for her .But this became a home for her and people living here became her family in a very short time. Here people loved her for what she is, trusted her, accepted her the way she is .This day she really got a family.

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