Chapter Twelve

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ PARAMORE - Where the Lines Overlap ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Tracing patterns across a personal map, and making pictures where the lines overlap.

My head was bent over a the sketch book in front of me as I focused on drawing up some ideas for the Halloween event Principle Johnson wanted us to organise. I had been so drawn into the task at hand that I hadn't realised that first period was about to start. As I gathered my things I checked my phone to see I had received a message from Jace.

Get to the parking lot, hold your questions.

I furrowed my eyebrows, fingers twitching to reply with the questions that popped into my head. Since the bell was going to ring in a few minutes, I figured Jace wouldn't take too long.

I rushed to the parking lot, taking strides that were twice the size of my usual steps. My stomach dropped when I saw him. Jace was leaning back on the side of his glossy black car, hands full with the biology book he was reading. He was wearing an old, battered pair of converse with black jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket. His hair was perfectly styled but I knew he had only rolled out of his bed. It put me on edge.

Get a grip Grace, I thought to myself as I tried to ignore the fact that he looked like a model. As I approached him, his icy blue eyes flitted up and my walk faltered slightly. I'm going mad.

"What?" he questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything."

"No you didn't, but you were giving me a weird look."

"You're seeing things. What did you want?" I changed the subject to avoid his questioning.

"Mr Conway agreed to let us do our biology presentation third period so we can get a head start on the rest of our assignments."

"Thank God we're prepared then."

Jace nodded in agreement, "Yeah, all we need are the notes and the report from your locker."

Jace started to walk forward and stopped when he realised I hadn't followed him.

"What do you mean from my locker, we left them at your house," I stated harshly.

"If they were in my house I would have brought them! You said you would bring them here!" he fired back.

"I said no such thing!"

Jace looked at the watch on his hand and walked around me to get into his car. "Get in, I am going to prove that we did not leave them at my house."

I checked the time for myself to see that we had three minutes exactly till first period started. I would have no problems with skipping class to prove Jace wrong but the ghost of Principal Johnson's words haunted the back of my mind.

"I'm not missing first period Jace."

"I don't want to miss it either. I promise we will make it back in time."

Proving Jace wrong would be worth missing class. I had Mr Breward for the first two periods so I would be marked in, even if I wasn't there. If he was awake for first period - which would be highly unlikely - I could count on Lexi to cover for me. I was going to have a lot to explain to her. Making my decision quickly, I got into the passenger seat of Jace's car. The door was just about closed when he put his foot down on the pedal, speeding out of the parking lot.

I pressed the button to turn on the radio and was met with a pop song that could only be recognised as Taylor Swift. I tapped my fingers in tune with the melody as I watched the streets fly by us. I looked over to Jace to see him clenching his jaw and forcing himself to sit still.

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