chptr 14

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Levi was stuck in almost like a comatose state lying on the hospital bed in the middle of what seemed to be in an all black and opaque room shrouded in darkness the only noise is being the beeps and the whirling in the clicking machine Levi have been stuck in this state for over one month lingering in between the worlds of dreams and reality whenever he would partially come to you would always be left alone in the darkness only to fall unconscious once more he was confused of a situation he was unconsciously conscious how such a thing worked he would never know but when he thought back to how he got here he could remember it clearly Marcus and Ryan the two names lay dormant in the back of his head almost as if he had sealed them back there to try and forget about the torture they put him through the constant debating between himself in his mind was only causing him more pain every day the more he talk to himself the more he began to respond without even realizing even accidentally caused himself a panic attack  and before he realized it he was panicking he could hear voices people murmuring left and right as if everything had been dulled down barely to the point of understandable Levi could only ever make out words barely stable unconscious unknown crash all words constantly repeated around him the more he thought about the words he heard and the events of the present and past it all started to make sense the doctors or whoever was outside of his mind was talking about him being unconscious due to the fact that he was in a car crash he wasn't going to die because he was stable that they could guarantee but what caused Levi's so much curiosity was why were they talking about this to a man instead of themselves who would be so interested in levi so much of it Levi couldn't piece together until he could fully regain conscious but every day to him that became fewer and fewer as he simply saying deeper and deeper into his mind rolling thoughts throughout his head to keep him company and eventually got to the point where Levi wouldn't even know if he was dreaming or not he couldn't even separate fiction reality Levi's mind had separated itself from my body and it didn't know what to do

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