chapter 32

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Though his thoughts were silent the words echoed through his head like a shout in the cave. Deny fate except whatd yours become one with the truth and forever deny the path that lay in front of you.

Something that was becoming all too familiar to Levi in the nightmare like State he was left in it was a rinse and repeat nightmare of him being forever kidnapped forced into a life that he didn't want being cared for by two men he didn't know men he didn't want to know remembering his mother everyday his father and his brother he hated it with a deep forever passionate burning fire stowed within his gut

The lights were bright insanely bright that they burned his eyes every day he would feel the touch of the men outside of him outside of his realm of action but every day he was gaining a bit more strength and a bit more will it was slow and excruciatingly painful but he endured the nightmares and pain

Finally after multiple weeks of being paralyzed he bolted his eyes open the line glamoring above him strained his eyes forcing his pupils to dial it like a cats which was almost coincidental as it didn't take him long to get the strength he needed to move his hands

Soon he was moving his entire body but it didn't feel like his own body It felt like A parasite had dug its way in through his neck grafted itself to his brain and was now forcing movements he knew that his body was not his own but a puppet or a marionette to the strings of destiny that I found him forever still

He hated it he wanted to watch the world burn so much so that his eyes bleeded hatred a burning fire that went seen would send a child cry

Looking at his clothes he immediately figured out that Ryan and Marcus had been changing his outfits daily only filling him with more rage that someone was doing something to him without his consent something out of his control he dropped to his knees digging his nails into his back drawing blood like a crimson river flowing down his spine it's stained his skin as a thick viscous red gas began to emit he immediately recognized it

It was his blood in a gas state one of the abilities he gained while working with Max back at the company learning how to manipulate other items by turning his blood between the three states of matter gas solid and liquid he had mastered turning his blood into a solid state he could now make it to where his own blood could be pressurized to the point of bursting out of his own body and stabbing people at the speed of a bullet his blood acted like a sixth sense to him granting him the ability to see and sense things through his blood like a bat's echolocation

But now is not the time to reminisce on false memories he pulled himself up blood still falling like rain from the sky staring at the blood-soaked palms he didn't care he had lost his will to love all he wanted now was to see those who attempted to control and manipulate him burn in the fires of his hatred forever knowing the pain they caused him

He shuffled slowly moving to the nightstand next to him ripping it open he saw all his clothing folded neatly each piled up in separate areas stacked perfectly as if someone had taken the time to really sort through everything and make sure it was stacked perfectly

His heart started and stopped in his chest he didn't do this they did another thing out of his control bloodlust burned through him like a poison in his veins he turned around and vomited gagged and puked but no vomit came out of him instead it was a viscous black ooze combined with his own blood

He huddled himself in the ground scared angry but more than anything else he wanted to lash out to scream tear and rip apart those who had done him wrong but he knew he couldn't he was here for the long game and he had no choice but then he felt a sharp pain in myth through his head like a bullet being shot out of a gun

Deny fate except what's yours become one with the truth and forever deny the path that lay in front of you.

It echoed again and again until it finally made sense he realized what it had meant up until this point he had nothing he was a husk of a man in a shell of his former self he had been gifted these abilities to change the future for the better or for the worst but he had never learned to use them on his own

Ryan and Marcus attempted to teach him love but instead they taught him to hate to want to kill to want to mane those who do you wrong while Max taught him to harness that anger and turn it into energy he couldn't control that energy Max nearly taught him how to harness it and use it to his advantage

He stood up a pool of blood forming at his feet looking at the crimson stained hands he had he went numb his eyes blacked out losing all color and he closed his eyes focusing remembering what Max had taught him rage while potents can still be used to your advantage Max had always taught him to imagine his blood like a string but it has never worked instead this time he would choose what to imagine

It started small a very thin string emitted from his index finger he traced it like a pencil on paper to the pool in front of him the room around him was pitch Black but he didn't care his eyes still dulled with hatred he dipped his hand in until finally he felt it cold hard steel pressed against his hand wrapping his entire hand around it he pulled feeling a sharp pain in his hand like fire coursing through him he knew that pain was a part of the process but that still didn't stop him from screaming

A blood cuddling shriek was emitted from his throat straining it to the point of nearly ripping like paper his pupils again dilated except this time after he finished they relaxed but something in him had changed something about him had changed the very fundamentals of Levi had changed and he was different

The pool of blood around Levi's collapsed lymph form began to rise slowly gathering in bubble pools floating in the air before Levi's hand suddenly pushed him up violently his eyes crying blood but it was reversed the orbs of blood began to flow in that direction towards his face

It gathered and pulled under his eyes before streaming upwards into him more pools of blood began to flow into him through his nose mouth eyes fingernails and toes being absorbed back into him he wasn't taking his blood back because someone told him to it was his choice and it was under his control

Back in the pitch black room the string had changed into a large chain bound to Levi's throat but he wasn't scared not anymore his hand began to snap rivet and twitch forcibly mangling itself back into place as his fingernails begin to become emboldened by a viscous red ooze before a gunshot like noise was emitted and his fingers were gone all that is left was born with bits of stray flesh still attached he had popped his fingers like balloons shotgunning his blood and breaking the chain

"A single sacrifice for a world change"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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