chptr 19

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The base line search for levi had lead both marcus and ryan to the city of dorado in colorado  where the omegas where gathering the information from the vampire clans about the crash and what happened and the van as well becuase it was wiped clean of sent and everything else we had not leads except the one that leo gave us that this is where the van stopped and cars where changed and could no longer be followed so they contacted the outer clans of vampire to try and track the car where they found out that it was a ambulance disguised as a shipping truck that was labeled to shipping company called outering shipping so ryan used his conections to track the company to its parent company to and expansion of ackerman pharmaceuticals as it used the company to ship out its main product cure all spray for pain when this was found ryan found that the company has had past interactions with werewolves that the owner max ackerman who was the creator of the cure all spray and when he showed this to marcus he immediately tried to deploy some of the better omegas to the companies but was stopped and convinced by ryan who knew that it was dangerous to mess with a mega corporation who had influence everywhere so they decided that leo would go in as an intern and work his way up of course with some help of a spy from the proficy clan that was deployed for resonance and is a head leader for cure all division and production so he would be absolutely essential in this so they deployed leo to go directly under the leader so they sent him the next day but the day before the deployment marcus’s father went into critical condition and was put on life support because he lungs failed him and he could not breathe which only put more stress on marcus because he needs levi to be here in order to be deemed alpha and for levi to become luna with out risking that chance that luna is handed off to someone else which would then force marcus and ryan to mate to someone other than levi so that left both ryan and marcus stressed to a very high degree so ryan had to comfort marcus for the rest of the night even when he himself was stressed “marcus please stop look we will find levi i promise so stop worrying please i miss him to and i don’t want anyone but him.” as he said this marcus was clinging to levi’s backpack trying to inhale his sent constantly trying to keep himself in check but ryan takes it away from him “NO GIVE IT BACK YOU B*****!” marcus shouted and shifted into beasteil form and ryan glares and him and then put the back pack in the closet and walked to marcus bringing the man in beast form close to himself even though he was good 2ft taller then marcus shifted back into human form but collapsed on the ground crying “ Why did he have to leave we treated him like a god….. I can’t lose him as well not like this please…. I don’t want this.” as marcus finished his sentence ryan brought his face up to his own and kissed him with a calming movement and snuggling into him letting marcus get comfortable with it before moving up with him as this happened their eyes glowed once more signifying their new true unity for levi.

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