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Marcus and Ryan had each sent out members of their packs into the city to try and find any leads or pick up any cent trails or anything they could find relating to Levi unfortunately they had come up with nothing at least within the past two weeks and it almost like levi had been cut off from the world itself everyday Marcus and Ryan became more and more worried the only good thing to this was that Ryan started to open up more to Marcus they were starting to have more conversations that didn't end up in fights slowly but surely sealing the cracks that had formed between them Ryan and Marcus even found the related situation of Ryan's mother had something to do with Marcus's grandfather and that's all they managed to find out though even though there had been some strife about the inability to find Levi Ryan came up with the solution of sending out all their omega's to maybe go farther out into the city it'd be risky because I'd be heading deeper into vampire territory but it was a risk they had to take plus omega's were guarded by the seal of the Wolf a treaty signed between vampires and werewolves a long time ago where either an alpha or an Omega was to enter a vampire territory the vampires were to be alerted and made caution to what they were doing this what extremely lower the reasons for the vampires to attack which lucky enough had yet to happen as much as there was disdain between the two species they had managed to come to a treaty a long time ago and figure things out that doesn't mean there wasn't the occasional fight or two and when that was happened the two at fault would be put to punishment and left at that if more was to be demanded it would be left to the reasons of why the fight happened and lucky enough for Ryan and Marcus they're omegas they had trained from a young age to be passive in nature and only become aggressive when need be Marcus had even sent out his best friend Leo who was an Omega from birth his father and their mate meant as soon as they turn to 18 the both of them and then it took about 2 years for them to go through their mating ceremony and 9 months after the ceremony Leo was conceived both him and Marcus my young age grew up together Ryan being a back peddler of some sort Leo had always taken the interest into the outside world wanting to know more and more about it long conversations between Leo who I traveled with his father a bunch when he would come back he and Marcus would spend the rest of the day talking Leo would spill everything he saw in the big city trying to get Marcus to understand his curiosity and even develop a little bit of himself but Marcus at a young age when he was found to be an alpha he was taught that the pack came first no matter what unless it came to his mate that was the only thing that was the driving force for Marcus at a young age that in the will to impress his father they kept contact but as soon as they turned 18 Leo became an Omega and left the pack traveling around he had come back about a week before Levi was found and in fact was one of the men sent to secure Levi as Marcus only trusted Leo with his safety he was even the one who brought Levi in from the car and put him in the room Leo at the time I just receive any confirmation of Aaron's whereabouts because he was out on guard duty walking the edge of their territory making sure no one passed through to the mansion and that's when he was informed of Levi's condition and what had happened and he was rushed to the hospital etc when this happens he decided to reject the position that he was offered to be put on the direct route and security guard team for securing Levi and bringing him back to the mansion he rejected it in order to stay close to Marcus knowing that he might get desperate if anything happened case in point Levi's disappearance he only saw the aftermath the car crash having to pull Marcus's father out by his own paws and carrying him to his car and then driving him out to their medical facilities the ambulance didn't get there till after and he had just started driving away he was nearly pulled over but he managed to avoid suspicion but now he was out in the city tracking down Levi through any solutions necessary he himself knew the consequences that Marcus would face if Levi wasn't found soon so when he was assigned he agreed immediately and left as soon as possible Marcus when he is assigned Leo took him off to a side room to explain the desperation of the scenario but Leo already perfectly understood he was stuck between a rock and a hard place and he couldn't do anything to get out at least until he found Levi the elders of the pack wouldn't do anything until Levi was found and then could be put to proper Justice but he knew the elders wouldn't be so forgiving so the faster he was found the better but a part of him also knew that the more time it took to find Levi the more time the elders would have to think about the scenario so the only thing that kept him going fast was Marcus's want to have Levi back it had been about 2 weeks and it was still nothing to report he had even gone to a vampire clan to ask for any leads but they had nothing they would generally have eyes all over the city the only thing that they could give him was a piece of information about a car that Levi was tacken in before the ambulance got there they couldn't see anything and they couldn't catch a license plate all they know was a white opaque van that had no license plate so the one lead that he did have was useless they did manage to give him one thing they caught from the crash though it was a small portion of Levi's backpack that they managed to remove before the fire got too bad knowing that this would help them get on the werewolves of good side as the sense of them wreaked all over the crash site they even did their best to help mitigate the fire before it could hit Marcus's fatherbut once Leo got there and gathered the information and Marcus's father he immediately got out of there as soon as possible knowing that the cops would be there as soon as possible as this took place fairly close to a hospital that night Leo rested in the hotel room that he had rented he was on the outer edge of the city did scavenge through abandoned buildings for a scent but nothing he had followed a small sent trail that led him to an abandoned parking building where he found white van that had been abandoned the exact same one that fit the description of the vampires but nothing was inside and all he could smell was blood and dirt it seems that whoever got their hands on Levi was thorough enough to realize that someone would be coming for him so they did their best to descend the van Leo in his room pulled out his notebook and scrawled down everything he had found he parted a piece of paper from his notebook leads that he thought might work but we're disproved by the vampires he had called them once more as soon as he got to the hotel to confirm everything once that happens he called Marcus immediately saying that he found the van but no one was inside and it was a band descented as well Marcus had told him to rest for the night but a part of Leo remained unease situation how could these people know that Levi had people coming for him and if so how did they know specifically to descent the van that remove any fingerprints from it they had done such a detailed job of cleaning out the van that it was if no one was ever inside of it but he knew from what the vampire said it was the exact same van as there was a small indent next to the right tire that the vampires had told him about every small piece of clue that he gathered led to the van the van was the stopping point though tired and uneased Leo rested back in his bed trying to clear his mind think straight get some rest when Leo closed his eyes he imagined the Day that he would find his mate he had visions of them he wasn't able to make out what gender they were as the features looked more androgynous in nature short dirty blonde hair with what looked like stunningly electric blue eyes they were wearing a gray sweatshirt with a Columbia logo and also black sports pants with the gray shirt tied around their waist and glasses over there eyes they had an eye patch over there right eye and he had managed to see that that eye was still electric blue but slightly muddled he assumed that it was just partially blind in that eye he could never confirm the identity of his maid until he could meet them with that thought in his mind Leo drifted to sleep dreaming of the day that he would meet his so called mate

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