chptr 30

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It has been almost 2 days since Levi's finding and he is still asleep. We haven't been able to wake him up mainly because his body is recovering from the constant use of his abilities as an a'luna and he is very badly hurt internally his heart would have given out if we didn't get there in time he could have died.

"Why was he using his abilities? He was in no real danger and his powers should not have triggered." Marcus murmured to himself that Ryan looked up from the book he was reading. " we need to just help him recover for now... the longer he is near the moon stone the faster he will recover." Ryan spoke out.

Marcus rubbed the back of his neck in confusion, he knew that the moonstone was the source of an aluna's powers but Levi's spirit stemmed from violence and blood not the moonstone. He walked over to Ryan and sat down next to him and rested on his shoulder. Ryan moved to grab Marcus by the waist and hoist him into his lap. Though they used to hate each other they had grown extremely close after Levi was taken from them.

Marcus kissed Ryan the two of them allowing the passion sparking between them creating the bond was shown through their eyes now taking physical form. They stayed like that for a while allowing themselves to truly get lost in each other's embrace. As they pulled apart Marcus began to cry into ryan.

"It hurts so much ryan.... Please help me." Marcus whimpered, his breathing strained. Ryan embraced his mate. "I want Levi back to Marcus but we need to wait till he wakes up.... Why don't we go visit him.... Do you want to see him?" Ryan looked into Marcus's shining emerald eyes. He only nodded to him in response before being lifted bridal style by Ryan and began to move out of the pack library.


Though the room was designed for Levi to be comfortable it was still eerily quiet in the room. Marcus moved over to Levi and gently sat down beside him so as to not wake him. The stench of death permeated the room. Levi shuffled his form to lean into marcus who embraced him in his own larger form. It was like holding a glass doll it possessed an unlimited beauty but even the slightest touch could shatter it into a thousand pieces. Marcus fiddled with levi's brown hair a singled strand of white layed off to the side but he did not care.

The fact of the matter was is he had the one he loved back. So much of the past was writing in on Levi right now. It made him panic he wanted to do everything he could to protect Levi his mate. The room filled with an earie chill even though Levi was covered under and over with blankets he still shivered.

"I still fear what he has done..... His power is activated so early it's life threatening. " Marcus contemplated. The fact of the matter was that because of Levi's Powers coming forth so soon, his body wasn't able to adapt to the extreme amount of blood loss he went through.

It was like trying to push a nail into a wall of cement. it's possible but it's very very difficult, and half the time you won't even succeed with it. Ryan looked forward at Levi's face. The Serene orange light emanating off of his pale skin like a mirror reflecting one's true self back at them.

"Why it's activated now I have no clue but we have him now and that's all that matters... I missed him a lot, I may have been thought of his cold and apprehensive to him but he's still my mate and I care for him deeply........ I just wish he knew." The dialogue that Ryan had said made Marcus feel uncomfortable. He cared deeply for Ryan now. though it has been a long and winding road, they had stuck it out together eventually learning to love each other as much as they learn to love Levi.

"You're right but I'm also allowed to be worried." Marcus whispered as he Leaned Forward the palm of his hand adapting easily to Levi's scalp as he brushed back and forth. Levi groaned in pain the sensation of physical contact still new to his mentality. He could hear them but almost barely to the point where he could make out any sentences.

Marcus lifted Levi up closer and brought him on to his chest. The rhythmic heartbeat dulling the sensation of pain in his head and helping Levi to relax. He couldn't hear his breathing it was slow in shallow but he was breathing nonetheless. His hand moved down Levi's back feeling along the scars and indents in his skin from the car crash.

"We should have found another way to do this.... Levi has a right to hate us, we took him from everything." Marcus whimpered the guilt flooding through his head like a tsunami. It hurt and it hurt deep he couldn't make up for ruining Levi's life, neither could Ryan and it killed both of them inside to know so. why they would never know guilt was an uncommon emotion for werewolves as complex emotions were dulled down from animalistic instinct.

But they still held on to their humanity in hopes of trying to reconnect with humans. The desperate need for physical and emotional connection still lived on deep with inside of all of them so they had the capability of feeling the emotion it was just very very rare. Emotions were a foreign state to the wolves that lived deep inside them but the need for protection and love still something lived on in them.

Ryan finally made his move walking over gently to Levi and placing his hand over Marcus's. Leaning down to Levi's form he placed a kiss on top of his forehead while using his other hand to put it behind his head and pull levi into him. He began to shake the first time he had broken down inside of someomes veiw.

"It's my fault I was the one who told them to do it...... I was the one who told them to take Levi, I wanted him here so I could be come alpha and take over my pack and lead them properly.... My father was a bastard but I'm turning out to be like him more and more...... what am I going to do?"

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