chptr 3

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The doorknob begin to wiggle religiously faster and harder every second left right left right twist turn twist turn. Levi terrified scooched closer to the bed and pulled himself under grabbing the chain and yanking it underneath with him. suddenly the door swung open all he could see from the crack under the bed it was a pair of feet they were wearing  navy blue sneakers . Levi held his breath preparing himself for the worst he squeezed his eyes shut thinking he was going to be killed he was going to be dead in seconds minutes even.

Suddenly he felt the hand on his ankle holding out a gasp and his eyes shooting opened his pupils shot down to the size bullets as he felt himself being pulled out from underneath. Shouting Levi flailed using the part of his leg that had been exposed from the pulling he kicked the attacker wherever he could when he felt his foot land in an innately soft spot suddenly the attacker moaned in pain toppled over giving Levi the chance to scramble out from underneath the bed and the other side.

"Babe what the fuck was that for you don't kick your boyfriend!" Shouted his attacker. Levi practically screamed back "who the hell are you and what do you want!". Finally he got a good fat look at his attacker it looks to be a young male about in his early twenties well built he was wearing what looks like a a pair of jeans and a monochrome black shirt with a pendant on it of a wolf suddenly and Levi heard how laughing from next to him.

" That's right levi show him you belong to me."  In fear Levi's head turned do you see the next Young male laughing in the doorway this one looked a little more stockier than the other one he had a little less muscle mass and he was had Snow White hair instead of pitch Black. Suddenly is attacker was on his feet again "you ass you know he belongs to me!" "No he doesn't he belongs to me." But they argued back and forth until they finally realized Levi was gone but the chain sitting right next to a cuff unlocked by the keys from the young man's waist.

Entering a very sudden frenzy the black hair young man suddenly booked it out of the doorway shoving the other one out of the way running and sprinting as fast as he can his had darting left and right looking for any sign of Levi

"I let you get away once mate but I won't let you get away now you know you belong to me you just have an accepted it yet." The man thought suddenly he saw the door wide open and Levi sprinting "you seriously thought you get out run a wolf. "

Levi without a split chance to react with suddenly tackled to the ground planting face first into the dirt. Letting Yelp of pain Levi begin to struggle trying to get out of his attacker's grasp weave his way out but he was too strong Levi under so much stress and pressure to the best of his ability to tried not to faint but when everything came to his head he blacked out once more

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